microsoft / PowerToys

Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
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Mouse Utilites/ GESTURES: like Logitech Options+ & Microsoft Edge Browser #33673

Open BananenRitter opened 6 days ago

BananenRitter commented 6 days ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement


We already have this software and it works exceptionally well for enhancing workflows but we either need for it to work:

HOWEVER: this should also be mandatory pre installed in Windows like all the PowerToys Programs. (at least fancy zones, mouse utilities, keyboard shortcuts, advanced paste)

Basically you should be able to press 1 or more Mouse or Keyboard Keys and then do a Gesture to enable any function that you can otherwise do with Mouse or Keyboard input. SO JUST THE KEYBOARD MANAGER BUT FOR THE MOUSE

If Mouse or Keyboards already have the functionality to do this why then adding Mouse Gestures?

The additional 2 Keys on my Mouse can do 5 actions instead of just 2


When pressed without moving in one direction/gesture:


When pressed without moving in one direction/gesture:

Scenario when this would be used?

Supporting information

Logitech Options+

INSERT PICTURE Logitech Options+ is the predecessor from Logitech Options

Microsoft Edge


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