microsoft / PowerToys

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Remap only lets you enter a single key on the left side (e.g. You can't remap Ctrl + A) #33721

Open clovetea opened 1 week ago

clovetea commented 1 week ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method


Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

Keyboard Manager

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Keyboard Manager
  2. Open the Remap Keys dialog
  3. Add key remapping
  4. Click the left Select
  5. Press Ctrl + Backspace. Instead of getting both hotkeys, it will show "Ctrl", then "Backspace". If you try the same thing with the right "select" dialog, you can enter Ctrl + Backspace. This seems to be true for any modifier + key combination

✔️ Expected Behavior

You should be able to Remap key combinations like Ctrl + Backspace

❌ Actual Behavior

Instead, you can only have a single key on the left hand side of a mapping

Other Software

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