microsoft / PowerToys

Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
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Small white box in middle of screen #33751

Closed daxliniere closed 2 weeks ago

daxliniere commented 2 weeks ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

GitHub, PowerToys auto-update

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?


Steps to reproduce

Unfortunately I can't suggest how to reproduce it. I've only ever seen it once (today) and I run this on 3 PCs. I began closing all background apps and since PT was at the top of the System Tray, I closed it first and the white box went away.

✔️ Expected Behavior

Not a random, small, white, rectangular box roughly in the middle of monitor #1.

❌ Actual Behavior

A random, small, white, rectangular box roughly in the middle of monitor #1. ;) I can tell you that the mouse cursor was rendering on top of the box, but any program windows were being obscured by the box.

Other Software

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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daxliniere commented 2 weeks ago

Bot has indeed found a match. This issue can be closed as duplicate.

FWIW, I hadn't launched the Colour Picker, nor could I move the white box.

TheJoeFin commented 2 weeks ago

/dup #32596

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! We've identified this issue as a duplicate of another one that already exists on this Issue Tracker. This specific instance is being closed in favor of tracking the concern over on the referenced thread. Thanks for your report!