Open dgzargo opened 3 months ago
AutoHotKey helped me. Proof of concept:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance force
try {
window := WinGetId("A")
thread_id := DllCall("user32\GetWindowThreadProcessId", "ptr", window, "uint")
MsgBox("PID of the window under the mouse cursor is " thread_id, "PID finder script")
} catch Error as err {
MsgBox(err.Message, "PID finder script")
} finally {
Description of the new feature / enhancement
The app should provide the ability to track which process is running the UI selected by mouse. Something like Snoop does with WPF.
Scenario when this would be used?
It could help understand which process is doing bad on your screen. Use case:
Supporting information
No response