microsoft / ProjectAcoustics

Microsoft Project Acoustics
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Project Acoustics - Dynamic Issues #157

Open DoPfister opened 1 year ago

DoPfister commented 1 year ago

Hello there,

I am testing the Microsoft Project Acoustics with a personnal project (Unreal Engine 5.1), and I would like to have some information about the dynamic system.

The bake/static system seems to work fine and I was wondering if there was a dynamic system for doors or other interactions on the environment.

In my project, I have a sound (ambient sound) behind a wall with a door, and I would like to cut/filter the sound when the door is closed and bypass the effect when the door is open. Obviously, the best would be to be able to switch between the two states smoothly.

I found the AcousticsDynamicOpening component, with the dry and wet volume and filtering value, but I don't understand how to use it. Is there any documentation I haven't found? Or do you have any information and tips to help me?

Here are my specs :

Unreal Engine : 5.1 (no audio middleware) Microsoft Project Acoustics : 2022.1.376

Thanks in advance for your help!


MikeChemi commented 1 year ago

Hello! Here is a link to the documentation about the dynamic opening component. Please let us know if you have further questions.