microsoft / ProjectAcoustics

Microsoft Project Acoustics
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ProjectAcoustics doesn't work for me, even in the sample project #204

Open FraBad98 opened 2 months ago

FraBad98 commented 2 months ago

The main issue is, the whole plugin doesn't work for me and I have no idea why. The sample project says:

"Missing AcousticsGameUE51 Moules The following modules are missing or built wit a different engine version: AcousticsGameUE51

Would you like to build them now"

And clicking "yes" just launches the project, but the audio is not working as it should. I've tried both Unreal Engine 5.1.1 and 5.3.2, but the issue is still the same, there are some things that don't work, in particular:

I have both the Python and the ProjectAcoustics plugins enabled. I have updated both .Net SDK and Framework and VisualStudio (I have both the 2019 version AND the 2022 version). I have no idea why it doesn't work, even in the sample project.

What am I missing?

NoelCross commented 2 months ago


A few things that you should check to make sure that the plugin is functioning:

  1. Make sure that you see the Project Acoustics plugin in your list of enabled plugins for your project.
  2. Inspect the Output Log to see if it contains any errors (yellow or red text) related to Project Acoustics
  3. Check to see if the "Bake Acoustics" UI is something that you can invoke in the Modes dropdown.

Lastly, you might want to generate a solution file and build the project from VS instead of letting Unreal compile during the launch of your project. In VS, you'll be able to inspect and fix any errors that occur much easier.

FraBad98 commented 2 months ago


I tried everything you listed here.

Point 1: Project Acoustics was enabled in every project I tried, and also Python plugin (I double-checked just to be sure that Unreal didn't randomly disable them for some reason) Point 2: I have an Output Log right here, but to be fair I don't see any red or yellow text. I'll attach the log file. Point 3: Bake Acoustics appears normally.

Apart from the sample project not working as intended, another thing I noticed is, if I try to setup everything as shown in the tutorial, every sound with the attenuation applied gets muted.

I also tried building the project in Visual Studio, but nothing changed. I am going insane. I downloaded all the dependencies, but it still won't work. A friend of mine downloaded the exact same files I downloaded, but in his computer, Project Acoustics works flawlessly. Log.txt

Thanks in advance for your support.

NoelCross commented 2 months ago

@FraBad98 can you walk through the instructions on the advanced debugging page and see if you get any further?

Also, I'm curious if you are using this on a machine that doesn't support AVX instructions. We enabled AVX support in this release and some older machines don't support those instructions. In that case, you should see crashes, so it is probably not the issue.

FraBad98 commented 2 months ago

@NoelCross My machine does support AVX instructions, it's not that old (CPU is an Intel Core i7-9750H), but just to be absolutely sure, I checked using HwINFO and it supports them.

I tried everything listed in the advanced debugging page. The first part (the probes, voxels and bake one) works as expected, but when I tried enabling the debug controls in the Acoustics Audio component I realized... There is no Acoustics Audio component. That's probably the issue, I guess, but I have no idea why or how to fix it.

NoelCross commented 2 months ago

@FraBad98 You only really need the Acoustics Audio component added to the sound source if you want to override the acoustic parameters with our design controls. This is optional and not needed.

Start with step 4 on this page and ensure that you have the SDO plugin selected in the Project Settings. Make sure that the attenuation settings are setup correctly and that the Source Data Override checkbox is enabled.

You can follow the documentation here for setting up the Acoustics Audio component:

Once you do that, you can enable per-source debug controls.

FraBad98 commented 2 months ago

@NoelCross as you suggested, I started with step 4 and checked that everything was enabled. SDO plugin is active in Project settings, attenuation settings are copy-pasted from the ones my friend is using and Source Data Override is setup normally. Still, every sound with the sound attenuation is completely mute as soon as I turn it on.

I can't seem to enable per-source debug controls by the way. I don't know where to find the Acoustics Audio component in the menus.

NoelCross commented 2 months ago

@FraBad98 Let's have you first enable the debug drawing. When playing in editor, hit shift F1 to keep the game running and go to the Cmd window and type PA.ShowStats 1.


This should give you a debug display that shows the loaded ACE file. If your AcousticsData file is properly registered with the AcousticsSpace actor, you should get the following display.


FraBad98 commented 2 months ago

@NoelCross thanks for the help. Enabling the debug display showed an error that says something like "probe interpolation failed".

After a quick search, I found a Github issue that mentioned the exact same error, and it was apparently caused by the Acoustics Audio component being offset, for some reason. I reset it to the world origin coordinates, cleared the probe location and proceeded to bake the acoustics again.

Now the occlusion works like a charm, but the spatial reverb doesn't. The stereo convolution one appears to be working flawlessly by the way, so that's something.

NoelCross commented 2 months ago

@FraBad98 When you mention spatial reverb isn't working are you talking about with PIE or with a packaged build? We are aware that there is an issue with spatial reverb in a packaged build that we are looking into addressing.

Otherwise, can you describe what you are experiencing with spatial reverb? Does switching the spatial reverb quality parameter make any difference?

FraBad98 commented 2 months ago

@NoelCross for me, spatial reverb doesn't work with PIE.

If I have spatial reverb enabled, there's basically no reverb, it's just the dry sample with some volume attenuations depending on where I am in the space (again, this part works great and the result is impressive).

I tried switching the spatial reverb quality parameter, but it doesn't affect the sound in any way, sadly.