For summarization task,
1) download CNN\DM fine-tuned checkpoint
2) preprocess your text with BERT-tokenization, and you can refer to our preprocess scripts
3) use fairseq-generate or fairseq-interactive to generate summarization for your given text. For fairseq-generate, you can refer to our generate scripts. For fairseq-interactive, you can easily generate summarization for a typed-in text interactively. Detailed instructions can be found in fairseq manual
When I do inference (step 3) with fairseq-generate it appears AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'max_source_positions'. I don't know how to solve it...
I literally paste inference script and download every library with it respective version.
Following the next steps:
For summarization task, 1) download CNN\DM fine-tuned checkpoint 2) preprocess your text with BERT-tokenization, and you can refer to our preprocess scripts 3) use fairseq-generate or fairseq-interactive to generate summarization for your given text. For fairseq-generate, you can refer to our generate scripts. For fairseq-interactive, you can easily generate summarization for a typed-in text interactively. Detailed instructions can be found in fairseq manual
Originally posted by @qiweizhen in
When I do inference (step 3) with fairseq-generate it appears AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'max_source_positions'. I don't know how to solve it...
I literally paste inference script and download every library with it respective version.