microsoft / PubSec-Info-Assistant

Information Assistant, built with Azure OpenAI Service, Industry Accelerator
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Chatbot answers error #483

Closed rashodqaim closed 5 months ago

rashodqaim commented 5 months ago

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Bug Details

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. When asking a question in the web app to the Chatbot I get an error as an answer. Any question I ask I get the same error. Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open web app link is here
  2. Ask a question to the chatbot, an example question is "What is West Nile"
  3. This is where the error happens we don't get an answer back just an error message

What is the expected behavior? The Expected behavior is an answer

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. chatbot_error

Information Assistant details

Please provide the following details. You can simply include a screenshot of your Info panel as well. webapp_info

GitHub branch: [e.g. main] deplyathon Version or Latest commit: [obtained by running git log -n 1 <branchname> None What region is your Azure Open AI Service in? East US What ChatGPT model are you using? Embedding model name: (i.e. gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4) GPT 35.Turbo model version: (i.e. 0613) 0301 What embeddings model are you using? text-embedding-ada-002 Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

If the bug is confirmed, would you be willing to submit a PR?

ArpitaisAn0maly commented 5 months ago

Hello rashodqaim

The error message indicates you have deployed text embedding model with deployment name 'textembeddingchatbot" which is not reachable through your enrichment app. It is not finding that model in enrichmentapp.

Can you please do two things.

  1. Check azure open AI instance---> Deployments---> check the name of deployment for ada. Is it "textembeddingchatbot"?
  2. open url of your enrichmentapp---> make a post call to your embedding model---> are you able to do it?
georearl commented 5 months ago

Additionally can you validate the enrichment webapp exists and that it is started?

rashodqaim commented 5 months ago

The enrichmentapp was deleted, I will redeploy everything and hopefully that fixes it. Thank you