microsoft / PubSec-Info-Assistant

Information Assistant, built with Azure OpenAI Service, Industry Accelerator
MIT License
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WebApp fails to start due to tenacity version upgrading to 8.4.0 - 8.4.1 ( previously working version was tenacity 8.3.0 ) #763

Open kellyj4 opened 1 week ago

kellyj4 commented 1 week ago

Bug Details

A deploy of the accelerator fails due to the backend app not having a requirements.txt file entry fixing the version of tenacity i.e. tenacity == 8.3.0

in file: app/backend/requirements.txt

the error is as below webapp-error-logs

  1. Deploy the app from a codespace and wait for the final restart of the WebApp.

What is the expected behavior? WebApp to start.

A current workaround is to add to the requirements.txt located at app/backend/requirements.txt an entry: tenacity == 8.3.0

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. webapp-error-logs

Information Assistant details

Please provide the following details. You can simply include a screenshot of your Info panel as well.

GitHub branch: main

Version or Latest commit: [obtained by running git log -n 1 <branchname> commit e60ed3e6dced43796a96d9b2115b4c283872a0eb

What region is your Azure Open AI Service in? australiaeast

What ChatGPT model are you using? gpt-4

model name: (i.e. gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4) gpt-4 model version: (i.e. 0613) 1106

Additional context Found a breadcrumb at the Lang link below. Lang Chain issue

If the bug is confirmed, would you be willing to submit a PR?