microsoft / PubSec-Info-Assistant

Information Assistant, built with Azure OpenAI Service, Industry Accelerator
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Few-shot examples with energy conservation are used in prompts when chatting ungrounded with the models #766

Open nhwkuhns opened 1 week ago

nhwkuhns commented 1 week ago

Bug Details

When chatting ungrounded, directly with the model, it will occasionally give responses based on the few-shot examples used for the grounded chats.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Start an ungrounded chat
  2. Send the prompt "test test"

What is the expected behavior? The model would typically reply with something like "it appears you are trying to test something. If you give me more context I can help"

Screenshots image

Information Assistant details

Please provide the following details. You can simply include a screenshot of your Info panel as well.

GitHub branch: main main Version or Latest commit: v1.1.1 commit e60ed3e6dced43796a96d9b2115b4c283872a0eb What region is your Azure Open AI Service in? EastUS What ChatGPT model are you using? gpt-4o model name: (i.e. gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4) gpt-4o model version: (i.e. 0613) 2024-05-13 What embeddings model are you using? BAAI/bge-small-env-v1.5

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

If the bug is confirmed, would you be willing to submit a PR?

dayland commented 3 days ago

@nhwkuhns , I have put in a PR for this. It will get updated in our next release.