microsoft / RTVS

R Tools for Visual Studio.
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Unable to view HDInsight clusters in Server Explorer with RTVS enabled #4293

Closed timardis closed 6 years ago

timardis commented 6 years ago

When expanding the HDInsight dropdown under Server Explorer -> Azure, none of our clusters show up. After disabling RTVS, all clusters are showing up.

From checking the network logs, with RTVS disabled, Visual Studio will make a call to the following URI to get all HDInsight clusters on the added subscriptions:{subscription Id}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup Name}/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/{cluster name}?api-version={api-version}

However, with RTVS enabled, Visual Studio no longer makes a call to that URI.

Environment Info:

OS: Windows 10 VS Community: 15.5.7 ADL & SA Tools: 2.3.2000.1 RTVS: 1.3.31108.1213

MikhailArkhipov commented 6 years ago

This should be fixed in 15.7 Preview 4. We had issue with conflicting binding redirects for System.Net.Http.