add dependabot.yml which automatically enables Dependabot's dependency versioning scanner and dependency update PRs bot by declaring dependency ecosystems and sources in the project. For dependency security vulnerabilities scanner and vulnerable dependency update PRs bot, enable "Dependabot alerts" and "Dependabot security updates"
should you decide that certain people on your team should take care of the PRs that Dependabot creates, use the two attributes assignees and reviewers to automatically set personnel respectively.
which automatically enables Dependabot's dependency versioning scanner and dependency update PRs bot by declaring dependency ecosystems and sources in the project. For dependency security vulnerabilities scanner and vulnerable dependency update PRs bot, enable "Dependabot alerts" and "Dependabot security updates"should you decide that certain people on your team should take care of the PRs that Dependabot creates, use the two attributes
to automatically set personnel respectively.Resolves #43