Hi All,
I'm trying to use this code example, in which it applies the matrix multiplication between ptxt matrxi and ctxt vector.
But when I set the dim>=1000 it's becoming too slow, I'm wondering If there is some efficient way to do that in SEAL.
void example_mvproduct(){
// TODO implement
int dim = 4000;
chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time_start, time_end;
chrono::microseconds time_diff;
EncryptionParameters parms(scheme_type::CKKS);
vector<int> moduli(4, 40);
moduli[0] = 50;
moduli[moduli.size() - 1] = 59;
size_t poly_modulus_degree = 8192;
poly_modulus_degree, moduli));
double scale = pow(2.0, 40);
auto context = SEALContext::Create(parms);
cout << "Generating keys...";
KeyGenerator keygen(context);
auto public_key = keygen.public_key();
auto secret_key = keygen.secret_key();
auto relin_keys = keygen.relin_keys();
GaloisKeys galois_keys = keygen.galois_keys();
Encryptor encryptor(context, public_key);
Evaluator evaluator(context);
Decryptor decryptor(context, secret_key);
CKKSEncoder encoder(context);
cout << "...done " << endl;
// generate random 4*4 matrix and size-4 vector.
vector<vector<double> > M(dim);
vector<double> v(dim);
for (int i = 0; i < M.size(); i++){
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ){
M[i][j] = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
v[j] = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
// plaintext computation
vector<double> Mv(dim,0);
for (int i = 0; i < M.size(); i++){
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){
Mv[i] += M[i][j] * v[j];
// Encode the diagonals
vector<Plaintext> ptxt_diag(dim);
Plaintext ptxt_vec;
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++){
vector<double> diag(dim);
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++){
diag[j] = M[j][(j+i) % dim];
encoder.encode(diag, scale, ptxt_diag[i]);
// repeat the v.
vector<double> vrep(encoder.slot_count());
for (int i = 0; i < vrep.size(); i++) vrep[i] = v[i % v.size()];
encoder.encode(vrep, scale, ptxt_vec);
Ciphertext ctv;
encryptor.encrypt(ptxt_vec, ctv);
// Generate the galois keys
// Now: perform the multiplication
Ciphertext temp;
Ciphertext enc_result;
for (int i =0; i < dim ; i++){
// rotate
cout << i << endl;
evaluator.rotate_vector(ctv, i, galois_keys, temp);
// multiply
evaluator.multiply_plain_inplace(temp, ptxt_diag[i]);
if (i == 0){
enc_result = temp;
evaluator.add_inplace(enc_result, temp);
Plaintext plain_result;
vector<double> result;
decryptor.decrypt(enc_result, plain_result);
encoder.decode(plain_result, result);
It appears the cost mostly comes from dim number of rotations. You can reduce that. I don't have a source code example. There are materials that you can watch/read. Video and slides.
Hi All, I'm trying to use this code example, in which it applies the matrix multiplication between ptxt matrxi and ctxt vector. But when I set the dim>=1000 it's becoming too slow, I'm wondering If there is some efficient way to do that in SEAL.
Thansk in advance.