microsoft / STL

MSVC's implementation of the C++ Standard Library.
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<charconv>: Report compiler optimization issues #1243

Open StephanTLavavej opened 4 years ago

StephanTLavavej commented 4 years ago

<charconv> is very fast, but it could be faster. One issue is that MSVC's optimizer often generates slower code for <charconv> than Clang/LLVM. We should create reduced test cases and file bugs on Developer Community for the optimizer team to investigate and fix.

At the bottom of this issue, I've prepared a self-contained test case using <charconv>. Here's a table of my timing results (Intel Core i7-8700, VS 2019 16.8 Preview 2, Clang/LLVM 10.0.0). The measured times are average nanoseconds per floating-point value.

Scenario MSVC x86 LLVM x86 LLVM x86 Speedup Ratio MSVC x64 LLVM x64 LLVM x64 Speedup Ratio
float plain shortest 48.3 45.5 1.06 41.9 35.7 :warning: 1.17
double plain shortest 92.5 71.8 :x: 1.29 49.1 39.4 :x: 1.25
float scientific shortest 47.2 41.4 :warning: 1.14 38.3 31.6 :x: 1.21
double scientific shortest 92.6 72.5 :x: 1.28 48.0 39.6 :x: 1.21
float fixed shortest 58.9 51.1 :warning: 1.15 47.6 38.8 :x: 1.23
double fixed shortest 338.5 298.4 :warning: 1.13 145.9 111.6 :x: 1.31
float general shortest 48.8 42.5 :warning: 1.15 39.3 32.5 :x: 1.21
double general shortest 92.9 72.4 :x: 1.28 48.6 38.5 :x: 1.26
float hex shortest 25.8 26.4 :heavy_check_mark: 0.98 21.0 23.8 :heavy_check_mark: 0.88
double hex shortest 109.3 53.8 :boom: 2.03 27.7 26.6 1.04
float scientific 8 116.5 102.3 :warning: 1.14 63.8 58.0 :warning: 1.10
double scientific 16 145.5 128.7 :warning: 1.13 77.5 65.1 :warning: 1.19
float fixed 6 (lossy) 83.8 79.3 1.06 45.2 41.2 :warning: 1.10
double fixed 6 (lossy) 294.7 270.6 1.09 121.4 94.1 :x: 1.29
float general 9 134.5 118.8 :warning: 1.13 79.5 70.7 :warning: 1.12
double general 17 176.2 153.8 :warning: 1.15 97.6 81.4 :x: 1.20
float hex 6 25.7 21.2 :x: 1.21 21.0 17.4 :x: 1.21
double hex 13 103.0 26.4 :boom: 3.90 26.9 30.6 :heavy_check_mark: 0.88

The "LLVM Speedup Ratio" is the MSVC time divided by the LLVM time, so higher values mean that MSVC is slower than what LLVM has proven is possible on this hardware. I've marked values >= 2.0 with :boom:, values >= 1.2 with :x:, values >= 1.1 with :warning:, and values < 1.0 with :heavy_check_mark: (this is when MSVC is faster).

There are at least two separate issues here:

  1. x86 double hex :boom:. This codepath performs bitwise operations with uint64_t. Something terrible is happening here, causing code that should be ultra-fast to instead be extremely slow (relatively speaking). This seems specific to the integer type being wider than the machine's preferred width. The good news is that because this codepath is so simple, it should be easy to extract into a minimal test case, and because the issue is so severe, the cause will hopefully be easy for the optimizer devs to find and fix. The functions are:

  2. Decimal slowness, from moderate :warning: to significant :x:. These optimizer issues affect @ulfjack's amazing Ryu and Ryu Printf algorithms (used for the "shortest" and "precision" scenarios, respectively, although shortest does need to invoke Ryu Printf in a specific situation). When I worked on importing them to <charconv>, I reported as many optimizer issues as I could, MSVC (and LLVM) were able to fix some of them, and I was able to improve the source workarounds for other issues. However, there are still persistent issues with MSVC's optimizer.

Bonus issue: Conversely, MSVC appears to be generating noticeably faster code for the double hex 13 scenario on x64 :heavy_check_mark:. This indicates that LLVM has room for improvement; an issue could be reduced and reported to them.

<charconv> test case ("C1XX/C2" refers to the MSVC compiler front-end/back-end, like "Clang/LLVM"):

C:\Temp>type cppcon.cpp
// cl /std:c++17 /EHsc /nologo /W4 /MT /O2 cppcon.cpp && cppcon
// clang-cl /std:c++17 /EHsc /nologo /W4 /MT /O2 cppcon.cpp && cppcon

#include <charconv>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <system_error>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;

void verify(const bool b) {
    if (!b) {

enum class RoundTrip { Sci, Fix, Gen, Hex, Lossy };

constexpr size_t N = 2'000'000; // how many floating-point values to test

constexpr size_t K = 5; // how many times to repeat the test, for cleaner timing

constexpr size_t BufSize = 2'000; // more than enough

unsigned int global_dummy = 0;

constexpr chars_format chars_format_from_RoundTrip(const RoundTrip rt) {
    switch (rt) {
    case RoundTrip::Sci:
        return chars_format::scientific;
    case RoundTrip::Fix:
        return chars_format::fixed;
    case RoundTrip::Gen:
        return chars_format::general;
    case RoundTrip::Hex:
        return chars_format::hex;
    case RoundTrip::Lossy:

template <RoundTrip RT, typename Floating, typename... Args>
void test_to_chars(const char* const str, const vector<Floating>& vec, const Args&... args) {

    char buf[BufSize];

    const auto start = steady_clock::now();
    for (size_t k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
        for (const auto& elem : vec) {
            const auto result = to_chars(buf, buf + BufSize, elem, args...);

            global_dummy += static_cast<unsigned int>(result.ptr - buf);
            global_dummy += static_cast<unsigned int>(buf[0]);
    const auto finish = steady_clock::now();

    printf("%6.1f ns | %s\n", duration<double, nano>{finish - start}.count() / (N * K), str);

    for (const auto& elem : vec) {
        const auto result = to_chars(buf, buf + BufSize, elem, args...);
        verify( == errc{});

        if constexpr (RT == RoundTrip::Lossy) {
            // skip lossy conversions
        } else {
            Floating round_trip;
            const auto from_result = from_chars(buf, result.ptr, round_trip, chars_format_from_RoundTrip(RT));
            verify( == errc{});
            verify(from_result.ptr == result.ptr);
            verify(round_trip == elem);

int main() {
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(_M_IX86)
    const char* const toolset = "Clang/LLVM x86 + MSVC STL";
#elif defined(__clang__) && defined(_M_X64)
    const char* const toolset = "Clang/LLVM x64 + MSVC STL";
#elif !defined(__clang__) && defined(_M_IX86)
    const char* const toolset = "C1XX/C2 x86 + MSVC STL";
#elif !defined(__clang__) && defined(_M_X64)
    const char* const toolset = "C1XX/C2 x64 + MSVC STL";
    const char* const toolset = "Unknown Toolset";

    vector<float> vec_flt;
    vector<double> vec_dbl;

        mt19937_64 mt64;

        while (vec_flt.size() < N) {
            const uint32_t val         = static_cast<uint32_t>(mt64());
            constexpr uint32_t inf_nan = 0x7F800000U;
            if ((val & inf_nan) == inf_nan) {
                continue; // skip INF/NAN
            float flt;
            static_assert(sizeof(flt) == sizeof(val));
            memcpy(&flt, &val, sizeof(flt));

        while (vec_dbl.size() < N) {
            const uint64_t val         = mt64();
            constexpr uint64_t inf_nan = 0x7FF0000000000000ULL;
            if ((val & inf_nan) == inf_nan) {
                continue; // skip INF/NAN
            double dbl;
            static_assert(sizeof(dbl) == sizeof(val));
            memcpy(&dbl, &val, sizeof(dbl));

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Gen>("STL float plain shortest", vec_flt);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Gen>("STL double plain shortest", vec_dbl);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Sci>("STL float scientific shortest", vec_flt, chars_format::scientific);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Sci>("STL double scientific shortest", vec_dbl, chars_format::scientific);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Fix>("STL float fixed shortest", vec_flt, chars_format::fixed);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Fix>("STL double fixed shortest", vec_dbl, chars_format::fixed);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Gen>("STL float general shortest", vec_flt, chars_format::general);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Gen>("STL double general shortest", vec_dbl, chars_format::general);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Hex>("STL float hex shortest", vec_flt, chars_format::hex);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Hex>("STL double hex shortest", vec_dbl, chars_format::hex);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Sci>("STL float scientific 8", vec_flt, chars_format::scientific, 8);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Sci>("STL double scientific 16", vec_dbl, chars_format::scientific, 16);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Lossy>("STL float fixed 6 (lossy)", vec_flt, chars_format::fixed, 6);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Lossy>("STL double fixed 6 (lossy)", vec_dbl, chars_format::fixed, 6);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Gen>("STL float general 9", vec_flt, chars_format::general, 9);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Gen>("STL double general 17", vec_dbl, chars_format::general, 17);

    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Hex>("STL float hex 6", vec_flt, chars_format::hex, 6);
    test_to_chars<RoundTrip::Hex>("STL double hex 13", vec_dbl, chars_format::hex, 13);


    printf("global_dummy: %u\n", global_dummy);
fsb4000 commented 4 years ago

@statementreply wrote:

On x86 double hex to_chars performance: MSVC generates 1.7x faster code with /arch:SSE Oh I guess I found out the culprit. MSVC’s SSE2 codegen writes two adjacent 32-bit memory, and then performs a 64-bit load. Looks similar to this GCC bug report

statementreply commented 4 years ago

@statementreply wrote:

On x86 double hex to_chars performance: MSVC generates 1.7x faster code with /arch:SSE Oh I guess I found out the culprit. MSVC’s SSE2 codegen writes two adjacent 32-bit memory, and then performs a 64-bit load. Looks similar to this GCC bug report

Filed DevCom-1167526.

C:\Users\He\source\test\perf>type shift64_repo.cpp
using uint64 = unsigned long long;
extern const char* const digits;

char* test_func(char* str, uint64 value, int precision) noexcept {
    int shift = 60;
    for (;;) {
        *str++ = digits[value >> shift];

        if (precision == 0) {

        const uint64 mask = (uint64{1} << shift) - 1;
        value &= mask;
        shift -= 4;

    return str;
C:\Users\He\source\test\perf>cl /EHsc /W4 /WX /O2 /c /Fa shift64_repo.cpp
用于 x86 的 Microsoft (R) C/C++ 优化编译器 19.28.29213 版
版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。


C:\Users\He\source\test\perf>type shift64_repo.asm
; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 19.28.29213.0

        TITLE   C:\Users\He\source\test\perf\shift64_repo.cpp
        .model  flat


PUBLIC  ?test_func@@YAPADPAD_KH@Z                       ; test_func
EXTRN   ?digits@@3QBDB:DWORD                            ; digits
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
;       COMDAT ?test_func@@YAPADPAD_KH@Z
_str$ = 8                                               ; size = 4
_value$ = 12                                            ; size = 8
_precision$ = 20                                        ; size = 4
?test_func@@YAPADPAD_KH@Z PROC                          ; test_func, COMDAT
; File C:\Users\He\source\test\perf\shift64_repo.cpp
; Line 7
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR ?digits@@3QBDB           ; digits
        push    ebx
        mov     ebx, DWORD PTR _value$[esp+4]
        mov     ecx, ebx
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, DWORD PTR _precision$[esp+4]
        push    esi
        mov     esi, DWORD PTR _str$[esp+8]
        shr     ecx, 28                                 ; 0000001cH
        push    edi
        mov     edi, 60                                 ; 0000003cH
        mov     al, BYTE PTR [ecx+eax]
        mov     BYTE PTR [esi], al
        inc     esi
        sub     ebp, 1
; Line 10
        je      SHORT $LN13@test_func
        npad    6
; Line 14
        xor     ecx, ecx
        xor     edx, edx
        mov     eax, edi
        bts     ecx, eax
        cmp     eax, 32                                 ; 00000020H
        cmovae  edx, ecx
        xor     ecx, edx
        cmp     eax, 64                                 ; 00000040H
        cmovae  edx, ecx
        add     ecx, -1
        adc     edx, -1
; Line 15
        and     DWORD PTR _value$[esp+12], ecx
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR ?digits@@3QBDB           ; digits
        and     ebx, edx
; Line 16
        sub     edi, 4
        mov     DWORD PTR _value$[esp+16], ebx
        movq    xmm1, QWORD PTR _value$[esp+12]
        movd    xmm0, edi
        psrlq   xmm1, xmm0
        movd    edx, xmm1
        mov     cl, BYTE PTR [edx+ecx]
        mov     BYTE PTR [esi], cl
        inc     esi
        sub     ebp, 1
        jne     SHORT $LL2@test_func
        pop     edi
; Line 20
        mov     eax, esi
        pop     esi
        pop     ebp
        pop     ebx
        ret     0
?test_func@@YAPADPAD_KH@Z ENDP                          ; test_func

The following instructions in the loop performs two adjacent 32-bit stores, and then performs a 64-bit load of the stored values. The load doesn't take advantage of store forwarding, and is blocked until the stored values are available. The discussion in the GCC bug report says that the stall may cost 10-12 cycles.

        and     DWORD PTR _value$[esp+12], ecx
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR ?digits@@3QBDB
        and     ebx, edx
        sub     edi, 4
        mov     DWORD PTR _value$[esp+16], ebx
        movq    xmm1, QWORD PTR _value$[esp+12]
AlexGuteniev commented 3 years ago
  1. x86 double hex 💥. This codepath performs bitwise operations with uint64_t. Something terrible is happening here, causing code that should be ultra-fast to instead be extremely slow (relatively speaking). This seems specific to the integer type being wider than the machine's preferred width.

Yes, on MSVC in this loop This line:

Produced the following call to a helper function:

00254506  call        _aullshr (02561D0h)


0061256C  mov         eax,ebx  
0061256E  mov         edi,dword ptr [esp+10h]  
00612572  shld        eax,edi,1Ch  
00612576  mov         dword ptr [esp+18h],eax  
0061257A  mov         eax,ebx  
0061257C  shr         eax,4  
0061257F  mov         dword ptr [esp+34h],eax  
00612583  mov         eax,ebx  
00612585  shld        eax,edi,18h  
00612589  mov         dword ptr [esp+1Ch],eax  
0061258D  mov         eax,ebx  
0061258F  shr         eax,8  
00612592  mov         dword ptr [esp+8],eax  
00612596  mov         eax,ebx  
00612598  shld        eax,edi,14h  
0061259C  mov         dword ptr [esp+20h],eax  
006125A0  mov         eax,ebx  
006125A2  shld        eax,edi,10h  
006125A6  mov         dword ptr [esp+24h],eax  
006125AA  mov         eax,ebx  
006125AC  shr         eax,0Ch  
006125AF  mov         dword ptr [esp+0Ch],eax  
006125B3  mov         ecx,ebx  
006125B5  shr         ecx,10h  
006125B8  mov         eax,ebx  
006125BA  shld        eax,edi,0Ch  
006125BE  mov         dword ptr [esp+28h],eax  
006125C2  mov         eax,ebx  
006125C4  shld        eax,edi,8  
006125C8  mov         dword ptr [esp+2Ch],eax  
006125CC  mov         eax,edi  
006125CE  shrd        eax,ebx,1Ch  
006125D2  mov         dword ptr [esp+30h],eax  

@StephanTLavavej, do you think it worth further refining and reporting?

StephanTLavavej commented 3 years ago

@AlexGuteniev Thanks! Yes, I think this is definitely worth refining/reporting, as the perf impact was so significant and (presumably) the fix would be fairly targeted. Generating a call to a library function _aullshr which performs an Unsigned Long Long Shift Right is definitely unnecessary/harmful, as the clang-cl codegen proves.

AlexGuteniev commented 3 years ago

See DevCom-1533263

AlexGuteniev commented 1 year ago

See DevCom-1533263

Closed - Lower Priority

Want a source-code workaround?