microsoft / STL

MSVC's implementation of the C++ Standard Library.
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libcxx: Unskip some condvar tests #4721

Closed Arup-Chauhan closed 1 week ago

Arup-Chauhan commented 2 weeks ago

Addressing the removal of lines mentioning condvar or condvarany in tests/libcxx/expected_results.txt. These tests were previously skipped due to reliance on timing assumptions, which have been resolved upstream.

No reference issue was raised for this PR to fix

Context: The skipped tests mentioned in the text file were dependent on timing assumptions. The upstream issue has been addressed and fixed in this LLVM commit.

Changes: Every line mentioning condvar or condvarany in tests/libcxx/expected_results.txt has been removed. Rationale: The LLVM repository is used as a submodule. Once the problem is fixed in the submodule, we can unskip these tests, ensuring they run as intended.

Testing Execution: Ran all the tests across all test suites to confirm the removal of condvar and condvarany entries. Results: Tests were executed as expected, ensuring no adverse effects from the removal.

frederick-vs-ja commented 2 weeks ago

These 3 tests still failed since the elapsed time was less than the timeout.

Perhaps we should skip them again.

Arup-Chauhan commented 2 weeks ago

These 3 tests still failed since the elapsed time was less than the timeout.

  • std/thread/thread.condition/thread.condition.condvarany/wait_for.pass.cpp
  • std/thread/thread.condition/thread.condition.condvarany/wait_until.pass.cpp
  • std/thread/thread.condition/thread.condition.condvarany/wait_until_pred.pass.cpp

Perhaps we should skip them again.

You want me to modify the test cases to skip these ones? maybe I can try doing that.

StephanTLavavej commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah, there are definitely remaining sporadic failures which will need to be re-skipped, thanks @frederick-vs-ja. From looking at the logs, I agree that those 3 are the ones that need to be re-skipped.

@Arup-Chauhan Please note that you can rerun just the affected test directories, which is way faster than a full test pass. (I do appreciate that you ran all of the tests at least once - that increases our confidence that the tests work on more than just maintainer and CI machines! :heart_eyes_cat:) On my local machine, the first time I ran these directories they passed, but the second time I got one of those tests to fail. Here's how I ran the affected directories and then inspected the logs:

Click to expand how I ran the tests: ``` D:\GitHub\STL\out\x64>python tests\utils\stl-lit\ -o testing_x64.log -Dnotags=ASAN --order=random ..\..\llvm-project\libcxx\test\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvar ..\..\llvm-project\libcxx\test\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvarany -- Testing: 81 tests, 32 workers -- [...] Testing Time: 18.14s Total Discovered Tests: 81 Skipped: 27 (33.33%) Passed : 54 (66.67%) D:\GitHub\STL\out\x64>python tests\utils\stl-lit\ -o testing_x64.log -Dnotags=ASAN --order=random ..\..\llvm-project\libcxx\test\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvar ..\..\llvm-project\libcxx\test\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvarany -- Testing: 81 tests, 32 workers -- [...] ******************** Failed Tests (1): libc++ :: std/thread/thread.condition/thread.condition.condvarany/wait_for.pass.cpp:0 Testing Time: 16.11s Total Discovered Tests: 81 Skipped: 27 (33.33%) Passed : 53 (65.43%) Failed : 1 (1.23%) D:\GitHub\STL\out\x64>python ..\..\tools\scripts\ testing_x64.log code: FAIL name: libc++ :: std/thread/thread.condition/thread.condition.condvarany/wait_for.pass.cpp:0 output: Build setup steps: Build steps: Command: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.41.33901\bin\HostX64\x64\cl.EXE" "D:\GitHub\STL\llvm-project\libcxx\test\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvarany\wait_for.pass.cpp" "-ID:\GitHub\STL\out\x64\out\inc" "-ID:\GitHub\STL\llvm-project\libcxx\test\support" "-ID:\GitHub\STL\tests\std\include" "/nologo" "/Od" "/W4" "/w14061" "/w14242" "/w14265" "/w14582" "/w14583" "/w14587" "/w14588" "/w14749" "/w14841" "/w14842" "/w15038" "/w15214" "/w15215" "/w15216" "/w15217" "/w15262" "/sdl" "/WX" "/D_ENABLE_STL_INTERNAL_CHECK" "/bigobj" "/EHsc" "/MTd" "/std:c++latest" "/permissive-" "/utf-8" "/FImsvc_stdlib_force_include.h" "/FIvso1913897.hpp" "/wd4643" "/D_STL_CALL_ABORT_INSTEAD_OF_INVALID_PARAMETER" "/analyze:autolog-" "/Zc:preprocessor" "/wd6262" "-FeD:\GitHub\STL\out\x64\tests\libcxx\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvarany\Output\wait_for.pass.cpp.dir\0\wait_for.pass.exe" "-link" "-LIBPATH:D:\GitHub\STL\out\x64\out\lib\amd64" "-LIBPATH:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Preview\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.41.33901\lib\x64" "/MANIFEST:EMBED" Exit Code: 0 (0x0) Standard Output: -- wait_for.pass.cpp -- Intellisense response file steps: Test setup steps: Test steps: Test step failed unexpectedly. Command: "D:\GitHub\STL\out\x64\tests\libcxx\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvarany\Output\wait_for.pass.cpp.dir\0\wait_for.pass.exe" Exit Code: 3 (0x3) Standard Error: -- Assertion failed: elapsed >= timeout, file D:\GitHub\STL\llvm-project\libcxx\test\std\thread\thread.condition\thread.condition.condvarany\wait_for.pass.cpp, line 107 abort() has been called-- ================================================== ```
Arup-Chauhan commented 2 weeks ago

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StephanTLavavej commented 2 weeks ago

Perfect, thanks! I expect to create a merge batch this week (after performing a Patch Tuesday toolset update tomorrow).

Arup-Chauhan commented 2 weeks ago

Perfect, thanks! I expect to create a merge batch this week (after performing a Patch Tuesday toolset update tomorrow).

Thanks! @StephanTLavavej , looking forward to more contributions!

StephanTLavavej commented 2 weeks ago

I'm mirroring this to the MSVC-internal repo - please notify me if any further changes are pushed.

Arup-Chauhan commented 2 weeks ago

I'm mirroring this to the MSVC-internal repo - please notify me if any further changes are pushed.

Sure, I feel for now we will be waiting for the LLVM or other condvar/condvarany issues raised here that are directly related to this. Might need to link this PR to them if needed in future.

StephanTLavavej commented 2 weeks ago

Two more condvarany tests failed sporadically in the MSVC-internal repo (wait_for_pred.pass.cpp and notify_one.pass.cpp). Since we've realized that the STL is buggy, I re-skipped all condvarany tests (notify_all.pass.cpp is virtually certain to be affected too), moved them to the "STL BUGS" section, and cited #4723.

Arup-Chauhan commented 2 weeks ago

@StephanTLavavej is there any work to be done here? As in, are there any modifications to be done in the expectd_test_results.txt file, in order to get this PR to be merged?

Or will we wait to work on Issue #4723 first?

StephanTLavavej commented 2 weeks ago

Good question - the answer is that no action is needed, I've already updated the PR and will land it soon. This is part of the boring work that I take care of so contributors can have fun :joy_cat:

Arup-Chauhan commented 1 week ago

Just to mention @StephanTLavavej, thank you for making things easier for us!

Cheers to my first PR merge as well 😄

StephanTLavavej commented 1 week ago

Thanks for improving this test coverage, and congratulations on your second microsoft/STL commit! :cat2: :rocket: :smile_cat: