microsoft / SqlNexus

SQL Nexus is a tool that helps you identify the root cause of SQL Server performance issues. It loads and analyzes performance data collected by SQL LogScout, SQLDiag or PSSDiag. It can dramatically reduce the amount of time you spend manually analyzing data.
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Modify Bottleneck Analysis report to use Perfmon counters instead of ring buffer DMV #193

Closed PiJoCoder closed 1 year ago

PiJoCoder commented 1 year ago

Ringbuffer DMV is not supported any more and sometimes produces incorrect values for CPU utilization. So switch to another source of information - perfmon counters

PiJoCoder commented 1 year ago

Something like a starting point:

SET ANSI_NULLS OFF -- this is to allow WHERE value = NULL type of syntax in case @inst_index is NULL
IF ((OBJECT_ID ('dbo.tbl_ServerProperties') IS NOT NULL) AND (OBJECT_ID ('dbo.CounterData') IS NOT NULL) )
    DECLARE @process_id INT = 0, @cpu_count int, @inst_name VARCHAR (64), @inst_index INT

    SELECT @process_id = PropertyValue 
    FROM tbl_ServerProperties sp
    WHERE sp.PropertyName = 'ProcessID'

    SELECT @cpu_count = CASE WHEN PropertyValue = 0 THEN 1 ELSE PropertyValue END
    FROM tbl_ServerProperties sp
    WHERE sp.PropertyName = 'cpu_count'

   --get processID of SQL assumes that the instance was not restarted during data collection and preserved its PID

    SELECT TOP 1 @inst_name = InstanceName, @inst_index = InstanceIndex
    FROM CounterData ctr JOIN CounterDetails cdet
      ON ctr.CounterID = cdet.CounterID
    WHERE cdet.ObjectName = 'Process' 
     AND cdet.CounterName LIKE 'ID Process'
     AND cdet.InstanceName  like 'sqlservr%'
     AND ctr.CounterValue = @process_id 

    --combine SQL and OS counter data into a data set by using a join 

    SELECT sql_cpu.CounterDateTime AS EventTime, 
    sql_cpu.RecordIndex AS record_id_sql,
    CASE WHEN sql_cpu.sql_cpu_utilization > os_cpu.total_cpu_utilization THEN os_cpu.total_cpu_utilization 
        ELSE sql_cpu.sql_cpu_utilization END AS sql_cpu_utilization, 
    total_cpu_utilization - (CASE WHEN sql_cpu.sql_cpu_utilization > os_cpu.total_cpu_utilization THEN os_cpu.total_cpu_utilization 
        ELSE sql_cpu.sql_cpu_utilization END ) AS nonsql_cpu_utilization 
      -- get SQL CPU for the imported instance
      SELECT ctr.CounterDateTime, ctr.RecordIndex, CONVERT(INT, (floor(ctr.CounterValue )/ (100 * @cpu_count)) * 100) as sql_cpu_utilization, InstanceName, InstanceIndex
      FROM CounterData ctr JOIN 
        CounterDetails det
      ON ctr.CounterID = det.CounterID
      WHERE det.ObjectName = 'Process' 
        AND det.CounterName LIKE '[%] Processor Time'
        AND det.InstanceName = @inst_name
        AND det.InstanceIndex  = @inst_index ) as sql_cpu


      (SELECT ctr.CounterDateTime, ctr.RecordIndex, floor(ctr.CounterValue) as total_cpu_utilization, 100 - floor(ctr.CounterValue) as system_idle_cpu  
      FROM CounterData ctr JOIN 
        CounterDetails det
      ON ctr.CounterID = det.CounterID
      WHERE det.ObjectName = 'Processor Information' 
        AND det.CounterName LIKE '[%] Processor Time'
        AND InstanceName = '_Total') as os_cpu

      sql_cpu.RecordIndex = os_cpu.RecordIndex