microsoft / SqlNexus

SQL Nexus is a tool that helps you identify the root cause of SQL Server performance issues. It loads and analyzes performance data collected by SQL LogScout, SQLDiag or PSSDiag. It can dramatically reduce the amount of time you spend manually analyzing data.
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Consider importing SQLAssessment API output from SQL LogScout and to enable firing Best practices alerts on them #255

Open PiJoCoder opened 11 months ago

PiJoCoder commented 11 months ago

Here's a sample output

Sev. Message                                                                                                          Check ID                   Origin                    
---- -------                                                                                                          --------                   ------                    
Info Enable trace flag 174 to increase plan cache bucket count                                                        TF174                      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Use actual features for SQL Server version 15.0.4280 instead of found deprecated features: sp_trace_setfilter,   DeprecatedFeatures         Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
     sp_trace_setevent, sp_trace_setstatus, sp_trace_create, fn_trace_getinfo, String literals as column aliases,                                                          
     '::' function calling syntax, certificates.attested_by, fn_virtualservernodes, sysdatabases, sysservers,                                                              
     syscolumns, sysindexes, sysobjects, SET FMTONLY ON, sp_trace_getdata, DATABASEPROPERTY, XP_API, Table hint                                                            
     without WITH, Data types: text ntext or image                                                                                                                         
Low  Create alerts for errors: 825, 833, 855, 856, 3452, 3619, 17179, 17883, 17884, 17887, 17888, 17890, 28036        AgentAlertsSeverity10      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 2508, 2511, 3271, 5228, 5229, 5242, 5243, 5250, 5901, 17130, 17300                     AgentAlertsSeverity16      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 802, 845, 1101, 1105, 1121, 1214, 8642, 9002                                           AgentAlertsSeverity17      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 701                                                                                    AgentAlertsSeverity19      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 3624                                                                                   AgentAlertsSeverity20      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 605                                                                                    AgentAlertsSeverity21      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 5180, 8966                                                                             AgentAlertsSeverity22      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 5572, 9100                                                                             AgentAlertsSeverity23      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Create alerts for errors: 823, 824, 832                                                                          AgentAlertsSeverity24      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Medi Set strong passwords for logins: Joe, distributor_admin                                                          WeakPassword               Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Disable 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives' option                                            PageFileAutoManagedAllDriv Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Medi Switch server to High Performance power plan                                                                     PowerPlanSchemeNotRecommen Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Disable 'scan for startup procs' option for servers that participate in replication                              ScanStartupProcs           Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Info Enable 'backup compression default' option                                                                       BackupCompression          Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Info Review non-default value 1 for the 'common criteria compliance enabled' option                                   CCCompliance               Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Info Enable 'disallow results from triggers' option as the ability to return result sets from triggers will be        DisallowResultsTriggers    Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
     removed in a future version                                                                                                                                           
Info Check 'autogrow' setting. Currently maximum size of 164 MBs is set for LOG file ProdDb_log in database ProdDb    FileMaxSize                Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Info Review non-default value 2 for the 'filestream access level' option                                              FilestreamAccessLevel      Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Evaluate impact of loading 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\MsdaDiag.DLL' module into SQL Server process address space       OsLoadedModules            Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Low  Evaluate impact of loading 'C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll' module into SQL Server process address space   OsLoadedModules            Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Info Disable 'show advanced options' option                                                                           ShowAdvancedOptions        Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
Medi Preallocate space for all tempdb files by setting the file size to a value large enough to accommodate the       TempDBFilesInitialSize     Microsoft ruleset 1.1.17  
     typical workload in the environment                                                                                                                                   
PiJoCoder commented 9 months ago

This would require some work on the SQL LogScout side first, in order to make this importable. Have to format the headings and add an identifier. Then we can import in SQL Nexus