microsoft / SqlNexus

SQL Nexus is a tool that helps you identify the root cause of SQL Server performance issues. It loads and analyzes performance data collected by SQL LogScout, SQLDiag or PSSDiag. It can dramatically reduce the amount of time you spend manually analyzing data.
MIT License
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Add a rowset for new disk information collection from SQL logscout #356

Open PiJoCoder opened 4 weeks ago

PiJoCoder commented 4 weeks ago

Need rowset for this type of output

-- Disk_Information --
Disk_Drive           Disk_Model                          Partn_Id Volume_Size_GB Volume_Free_Space_GB Volume_Caption         Volume_Label       Primary_Part Boot_Part  Volume_Letter Total_Disk_Size_GB BytesPerSector SCSIPort
-------------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------------- -------------------- ---------------------- ------------------ ------------ ---------- ------------- ------------------ -------------- --------
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1   SAMPLED  SCSI Disk Device           0        1              0                    Disk #1, Partition #0                     False        False                    698.64             512            1       
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1   SAMPLED  SCSI Disk Device           1        0.1            0                    Disk #1, Partition #1                     True         True                     698.64             512            1       
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1   SAMPLED  SCSI Disk Device           2        689.08         688.68               Disk #1, Partition #2  T010000000B        True         False      D:            698.64             512            1       
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1   SAMPLED  SCSI Disk Device           3        8.33           0                    Disk #1, Partition #3                     False        False                    698.64             512            1       
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0   WDC PC X3000 SDABCDE-1000-1000      0        0.25           0                    Disk #0, Partition #0                     True         True                     953.86             512            0       
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0   WDC PC X3000 SDABCDE-1000-1000      1        952.62         117.68               Disk #0, Partition #1  Windows            True         False      C:            953.86             512            0       
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0   WDC PC X3000 SDABCDE-1000-1000      2        0.98           0                    Disk #0, Partition #2                     False        False                    953.86             512            0       
PiJoCoder commented 3 weeks ago

After an import from a collection, a table looks like this:
