microsoft / StorScore

A test framework to evaluate SSDs and HDDs
MIT License
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Not generating proper results #42

Open shetsachin opened 7 years ago

shetsachin commented 7 years ago

Hi, Initially I started by running the 4k_RR.rcp on my SSD and I got the results in the excel sheet with all the details but later when I ran Storscore command with 4K_RW.rcp or any other recipes, then only the first sheet is filled with the data. Final and score details looks empty even after many runs.

Commands used to run: StorScore.cmd -recipe=recipes\4k_RW.rcp --target=f: parse_results.cmd results* results.xlsx

Can anyone guide me/tell me why I am not getting the full result sheet with all the data even after parsing?

marksantaniello commented 7 years ago

Yeah this is one of the more confusing things about StorScore. The scoring system is based entirely on comparing a set of devices against each other, sort of like grading on a curve. With only a single device, the scores are meaningless. At Microsoft we tested many comparable devices together -- often a dozen or more -- with the goal of selecting the best two or three.

shetsachin commented 7 years ago

Thank you Mark. But still even if we use a single device we should get the data filled with that particular device scores. As I don have multiple devices, currently running StorScore on single device. And facing above mentioned issue. could you tell me the command to run multiple devices in a single command?

marksantaniello commented 7 years ago

You just pass a set of results directories to the parser, so you can say: parse_results.cmd results\drive1 results\drive2 output

shetsachin commented 7 years ago

Thank you.. But still my issue remains same. Is there any solution you can suggest me to get the complete data filled in result sheet?

marksantaniello commented 7 years ago

I guess I'm still not 100% sure I understand the problem.

There's no way to generate scores for a single device, using our method. We use Z-scores, which are just the number of standard deviations away from the mean. For a single device the Z-score is always zero. You can get IOPS, and MB/sec, and latencies, etc. -- but you can't get scores, because those are defined by the comparison with other devices.

Maybe you can attach the XLSX and give a very clear description of what you expected to see?