microsoft / TemplateStudio

Template Studio accelerates the creation of new WinUI 3, WPF, and UWP apps using a wizard-based experience.
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Missing title bar on new wizard #1837

Closed mrlacey closed 6 years ago

mrlacey commented 6 years ago

The top of the new wizard appears to waste a lot of space and does not include standard form controls.


Compared with the VS New Project window the differences are obvious.


The wizard page should include a title bar with

mrlacey commented 6 years ago

A lack of a close button on the window means that a person must click "<- Back" and then "Cancel" if they are looking at an item details but wish to close the wizard.

ralarcon commented 6 years ago

The design guidelines were defined without window title nor window controls. We can ask if still make sense or not, in fact, they ask explicitly to remove it when we show the first approach to the design changes.

crutkas commented 6 years ago

i was under the assumption we had a cancel button at all times. If we don't, a title bar makes sense. My belief was it added a lot of white space for 3 buttons I would want the title bar honestly merged in with the larger title almost.

crutkas commented 6 years ago

I also believe this is a low priority item versus other bugs.

ralarcon commented 6 years ago

Design wireframes and redlines do not show any. We can try to figure out how to include the control box when possible, that is when addressed all other issues.

sibille commented 6 years ago

Designs contain a x button, but no icon, we'll adapt the wizard.

mvegaca commented 6 years ago

Wizard window style and close button added on #1879

sibille commented 6 years ago

Verified in dev-nightly: Templates version: 0.16.18046.3 Wizard version: 0.16.18046.1