microsoft / Templates-For-Dynamics-365-Supply-Chain-Management-Demand-Forecasting-With-Azure-Machine-Learning

Samples, templates and setup guides in order to run demand forecasting in Azure Machine Learning Service and integrate with Dynamics 365 SCM
MIT License
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Quick_setup.ps1 out of date ! #6

Open Simon-Syd opened 1 year ago

Simon-Syd commented 1 year ago

hello, I'm installing Azure Machine learning workspace using the script "quick_setup" here are some thing which are not working : line 293 : $mlExtensionName = az extension list --query "[?name=='azure-cli-ml'].name" --output tsv azure-cli-ml is not the proper name, it's "ml" only now

line 146 : $res = az ml workspace create --workspace-name $workspaceName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --storage-account $storageAccountId

"--storage-account" is not a valid parameters now (

and there are many other thinks like "Invalid ARM Id /subscriptions/94a144ed-a2" after executing the "az ml workspace create"

thanks for corrections !

andreygarmash commented 1 year ago

hi, we're working on uptaking azure-cli-ml v2, meanwhile you can use v1.