microsoft / TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin

IO wrapper around TypeScript language services, allowing for easy consumption by editor plugins
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Queue timeout error when using typescript_go_to_definition #754

Open adevart opened 3 years ago

adevart commented 3 years ago

The function typescript_go_to_definition used to work quite well for me and I have it mapped to my middle-click so that when I middle-click a name, it will jump to the code definition. Recently, this hasn't been working reliably and I don't know what changed. It started requiring multiple clicks, first click would pause then nothing, second click the same, third click would jump to the definition with no pause.

Now it hangs almost all the time and doesn't jump to the definition and opening the console log, it says queue timeout after each click.

I excluded a lot of folders and files from indexing like node_modules and build files and that sped up indexing but hasn't fixed this issue.

Is there a way I can diagnose this like a verbose mode to see where it is getting stuck?

This is on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6, Sublime 3.2.2 build 3211.

adevart commented 3 years ago

Error reporting also stopped working around the same time this started but code auto-completion is ok. Maybe Sublime handles the auto-completion.