microsoft / TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin

IO wrapper around TypeScript language services, allowing for easy consumption by editor plugins
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Sublime snippets doesn't show in autocomplete in ST4 #775

Open felixcatto opened 3 years ago

felixcatto commented 3 years ago

ST4, TS plugin enabled Screenshot from 2021-05-28 08-14-16

ST4, TS plugin disabled Screenshot from 2021-05-28 08-16-26

ST4 4107 In ST3.2.2, build 3211 - all works fine

If there is no way to fix it. Maybe there is a way to disable typescript autocomplete and use default? I don't use TS, but i use this plugin because it gotoDefinition command is outstanding :fire: . Even ST4 gotoDefinition doesn't match with it. And it costs nothing because i don't even need a tsconfig.

There is a setting auto_complete_api_completions_only which disables default autocomplete, but i need the opposite, i.e. disable TS autocomplete and enable default one.

BrianWasTaken commented 3 years ago

It's just broken on ST4

kulikalov commented 3 years ago

@zhengbli @DanielRosenwasser any plans to fix this?

orta commented 3 years ago

It's not road-mapped, you're welcome to give it a shot 👍🏻

andfaulkner commented 3 years ago

I second this - same problem. It occurred continuously for several weeks after upgrading (a couple of weeks ago), but I'm reliant enough on snippets that I recently wound up temporarily downgrading to Sublime 3, at which point they started working again. In my case, it's occurring for all ts and tsx snippets.

The Typescript completions popup box seems to be separate from the Typescript snippets popups box in Sublime Text 4, and the Typescript completions popup appears to dominate. I sometimes see a "flicker" of the snippets box, but disappears almost immediately after (within less than 1 second) and is replaced by the Typescript completions box instead. It also occasionally starts working briefly, but it's consistently short-lived.

Previously they were consolidated into one box.

I tried just about every combination of options available for the autocompletions, and the problem persisted.

felixcatto commented 2 years ago

I found the official Sublime TS plugin, which is newer and doesn't have this bug :)

But it a little cluttered with various popups. So it is good to customize it. This is a quick guide.

To replace default sublime `GoToDefinition` add following keybinding
{ "keys": ["f12"], "command": "lsp_symbol_definition" },

For other available commands look at `Preferences -> Package Settings -> LSP -> Key Bindings`
For available customizations (popups, ...) look at `Preferences -> Package Settings -> LSP -> Settings`