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Tagged template literals compiled incorrectly, TemplateStringsArray not cached #17956

Closed justinfagnani closed 7 years ago

justinfagnani commented 7 years ago

TypeScript Version: 2.4.1


let previousStrings;

function test(strings, ...value) {
  if (previousStrings !== undefined && previousStrings !== strings) {
  previousStrings = strings;

function go(n) {
  return test`literal ${n}`;

Expected behavior:

According to the ECMAScript spec, every time a template tag is evaluated, the same strings object should be passed as the first argument:

Each TemplateLiteral in the program code of a realm is associated with a unique template object that is used in the evaluation of tagged Templates ( The template objects are frozen and the same template object is used each time a specific tagged Template is evaluated.

Actual behavior:

The above snippet compiles to:

var previousStrings;
function test(strings) {
    var value = [];
    for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
        value[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
    if (previousStrings !== undefined && previousStrings !== strings) {
    previousStrings = strings;
function go(n) {
    return (_a = ["literal ", ""], _a.raw = ["literal ", ""], test(_a, n));
    var _a;

You can see that _a is going to have a new identity for each call of go().

FWIW, Babel compiles this correctly:

'use strict';

var _templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['literal ', ''], ['literal ', '']);

function _taggedTemplateLiteral(strings, raw) { return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); }

var previousStrings = void 0;

function test(strings) {
  if (previousStrings !== undefined && previousStrings !== strings) {
  previousStrings = strings;

function go(n) {
  return test(_templateObject, n);

This is breaking lit-html when used in TypeScript:

PatrickJS commented 7 years ago

Is there a workaround for typescript to do this correctly or do we have to wait for a patch? For future facing JavaScript frameworks moving away from virtual-dom (hyperHTML, lit-html) this is a bit of a problem (trying to avoid memory leaks)

DanielRosenwasser commented 7 years ago

For now I'd rather wait on the most recent discussions ( and to get settled out first before we revisit the implementation.

Specifically, it's not clear whether the following behavior will hold:

function id(x) { return x }

id `` === id `` // true
justinfagnani commented 7 years ago

@DanielRosenwasser whether or not equal literals from separate source locations remain identical might be up in the air, but this should be true:

let t = () => id``;

t() === t(); // true

That it isn't is a pretty critical bug that prevents using TemplateStringsArray as map key. Until this is fixed I need to tell my TypeScript users to target esnext, then compile with Babel.

The incremental fix is to hoist the TemplateStringsArray declaration to the top-level:

var _a = ["literal ", ""];
_a.raw = ["literal ", ""];

function go(n) {
    return test(_a, n);
PatrickJS commented 7 years ago

for anyone using template literals for example hyperHTML, vyperHTML, or lit-html you can use this feature detection

const shouldCacheTemplates = ((_t) => _t() === _t())(() => ((s: any) => s)``);
const cacheTemplates = new Map<string, TemplateStringsArray>();

function tagged(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: any[]) {
  if (shouldCacheTemplates) {
    let key = strings.join('{{typescriptProblems}}');
    let _strings = cacheTemplates.get(key)
    if (_strings === undefined) {
      cacheTemplates.set(key, strings)
    } else {
      strings = _strings

PatrickJS commented 7 years ago

do you think a typescript plugin could be used as a workaround?

justinfagnani commented 7 years ago

@gdi2290 A plugin would need to change its behavior depending on the target. When the target is es2015+, there's no bug. Only when the target is <= ES5 is there a problem. That may be possible though, I haven't written a plugin yet.

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

@DanielRosenwasser is there an ETA for this bug to be fixed?

If not, is there a way from JS side to feature-detect TypeScript env is running?

I already fallback for old versions of FireFox that were incompatible with ES2015 standard, but being template literals feature-undetectable I need to use some ugly hack to know it's TypeScript and fallback with the solution I know it works already (per realm).

Thanks in advance for any advice.

DanielRosenwasser commented 7 years ago

@WebReflection Technically you can check whether the raw property is enumerable. TypeScript's is enumerable, whereas the one in ES2015 runtimes should be non-enumerable. But I hesitate from recommending you take a dependency on that since we still intend on supporting the feature in ES3 runtimes.

I already have a prototype working. We're thinking about 2.6, but are concerned with trying to do the more standards-compliant thing but still coming short with respect to having globally cached template literal objects.

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

Thanks @DanielRosenwasser, but it's still undetectable to me, unless I put that check (even once) in the entry point of my logic.

It's a great hint, but it's too specific. What I really would like to know, is if there's any (hidden?) global/scoped TypeScript leak I can detect upfront, like a typeof _classCreator === 'function' within my code, in case it gets "compiled" with TypeScript projects.

justinfagnani commented 7 years ago

In lit-html we check for this bug by comparing the results of two calls to a tag:

const envCachesTemplates = ((t) => t() === t())(() => ((s) => s)``);

The expanded version is a little easier to read:

const t = () => ((s) => s)``;
const envCachesTemplates = t() === t();
DanielRosenwasser commented 7 years ago

@justinfagnani but that's more of a thing that client code needs to opt into, isn't it? In other words, wouldn't users of lit-html need to inform lit-html of the current behavior rather than lit-html discovering it on its own?

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

@justinfagnani you are using code that's going to be transpiled to address a bug caused by transpilers. I cannot use a single backtick string on my code because it runs on every browser already.

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

@DanielRosenwasser lit-html uses TypeScript already so it's inevitably trusting the transpiling env it's running itself. My case is different. I don't need/want/use transpilers at all (you know, use the platform and target every browser and stuff), and even if the surrounding code uses transpilers, my library would be transpiler resistant and it will work there no matter what.

However, I need to figure out non-standard behaviors upfront, and using a transpiled feature to do that is not really an option because you can include my library as <script> resource right away, and it should be compatible with whatever env is there.

If I understand correctly, lit-html, will fallback with hacks for every browser once it's used transpiled because that check can be resolved only after TypeScript transpilation.

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

To add more content, hyperHTML can be embedded on any website now through You cannot do the same with lit-html unless you are targeting already 100% compliant ES2015 browser (only WebKit these days?).

So lit-html trusts transpilation by default, hence it can do feature detections through the resulting code, but that's not possible for my library.

As summary, is there really nothing TypeScript leaks beside template literals raw enumerability ?

I might go and find out myself :smile:

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

so, typeof __extends looks safe enough as assumption, isn't it?

DanielRosenwasser commented 7 years ago

so, typeof __extends looks safe enough as assumption, isn't it?

If you believe all of your users will be creating subclasses, yes, but that's probably not always the case.

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

is there anything that always leak ?

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

Found it. Please let me know when this bug is solved. Until then, I'll slightly penalize TypeScript transpiled code, degrading them like Firefox 54 or lower.

function isTypeScript() {
  var k, v;
  for (k in window) {
    if (k.charAt(0) === '_') {
      v = window[k];
      if (Array.isArray(v) && 'raw' in v) {
        return true;
  return false;
WebReflection commented 7 years ago

actually I have doubts that would happen on the global scope if there's something like


I think the pkayground is ling to me ... thoughts? Thanks

PatrickJS commented 7 years ago

@WebReflection I think it's better to have a feature detection for your usecase rather than banning TypeScript and having to patch it in the future when it's fixed. This means detecting if the reference is the same.

const shouldCachesTemplates = ((t) => t() === t())(() => ((s) => s)``);

TypeScript might take 2+ years to fix this because their original template codegen wasn't up to spec (at the time). It's at a point where introducing a "fix" might be worse if the spec changed. Here's an example of a long lived issue dependent on TC39

The thing that's blocking the TC39 is something that hyperHTML and lit-html can benefit from. The edge case is when a WeakMap is used, rather than a Map, in order for the template string to be garbage collected. Right now if you use a WeakMap to store the template string it's kept in-memory and is never collected (kind of defeating the purpose of using WeakMap). For hyperHTML, this isn't an issue since the design is meant use the templates as a key. If hyperHTML were to allow certain templates to only wire once (they never rerender for example a footer render etc) then it would be better to release the template string from memory. (I guess with that example you can just never store it given another codepath)

htmlOnce`yolo ${ content }`

hyperHTML can benefit by using the same codepath html rather than creating a new one via htmlOnce

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

@gdi2290 which part of I cannot use template literals in my code wasn't clear?

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

@gdi2290 just in case it's stil not clear: I cannot feature detect template literals. This breaks my browsers:

//                                                      see this ? ↓↓
const shouldCachesTemplates = ((t) => t() === t())(() => ((s) => s)``);
WebReflection commented 7 years ago

@gdi2290 moreover

The thing that's blocking the TC39 is something that hyperHTML and lit-html can benefit from.

I'm looking forward to that, meanwhile I have production code to offer so I need to make it work.

I'm implementing right now the one-off hack suggested by @DanielRosenwasser which seems to be reliable and Babel proof.

Once again, hyperHTML can be used as <script src="hyperHTML"> without needing tooling or anything else and it's going to work down to IE9. It's code cannot possibly feature detect backticks, but thanks for the rest of the thoughts.

justinfagnani commented 7 years ago

@DanielRosenwasser since lit-html is distributed, for the moment, only as standard ES2015, the presumption with this part of the fix, is that if the app is running in ES5, the consumer code and lit-html were compiled with the same compiler. On the Polymer project we distribute all our code as ES2015 and let applications compile as needed. Internal to Google, all TypeScript code is compiled at app build time with the same version. This detection should also work for uncompiled code running on browsers with buggy template literal implementations.

It's true that this particular detection won't work if lit-html is either uncompiled or compiled with a spec-compliant compiler, and the client code is compiled with a buggy compiler. There are other checks we can do, like you suggested.

@WebReflection lit-html's use of TypeScript internally has absolutely nothing to with how most users will consume it. lit-html is distributed as standard ES2015, and we do not "trust" TypeScript's downlevel compilation because we don't use it.

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

@justinfagnani my point is what you wrote already to Daniel. lit-html trusts inevitably transpilations at its core, because it's written in TypeScript, which is not a standard, and it's distributed as ES2015, which is 80% of the time transpiled these days.

hyperHTML is written in ES5, and that's about the end of the story. Any consumer, every browser on the planet.

This is a huge different in terms of runtime, transpiler potentially aware, features detection.

hyperHTML can be a script tag on top of any new and old project, it doesn't have tooling as core dependency for today web.

On top of that, I don't care much, really, I just want to make my library transpiler proof, hence I need to know what these "beasts" do with the JavaScript code they are targeting.

DanielRosenwasser commented 7 years ago

When either of you get the chance, let me know how the branch at #18300 works.

WebReflection commented 7 years ago

Hi @DanielRosenwasser

FYI the detection hack you proposed has been implemented and published.

If TypeScript intend to set raw as not enumerable without fixing issues with template literals please do let me know. Thank You!