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Wiki page 'Using the Language Service API' does not describe how to use the Language Service API #28003

Open mpiroc opened 5 years ago

mpiroc commented 5 years ago

RyanCavanaugh commented 5 years ago

Best issue title in a while

fatcerberus commented 5 years ago

I’ve had this complaint for a long time. I basically had to teach myself how to use the API by reading the source code. Not sure why I never posted an issue for it...

fatcerberus commented 5 years ago

“Using the Compiler API” could use some improvement too (at least last time I looked at it which wasn’t that recently), but not as bad as this.

Honestly I wish there was a full API reference for these APIs somewhere, the introductory stuff provided by the wiki seems to be all that’s available and from there you’re on your own figuring the specifics out.

ahnpnl commented 4 years ago

I hope the wiki can be updated soon