Open pmeller opened 4 years ago
@rbuckton I believe this is the intended behavior, but can you provide context?
Same is true of other literal types:
const uniqueSymbol = "tag"
const foo = {
prop: uniqueSymbol,
type Foo = typeof foo
is a mutable object member. Assigning a singleton type to a mutable member is usually not useful, so we widen at mutable positions. Do note, there is no way to declare an immutable object property (only class fields).
Taking into consideration all primitive types this seems to be consistent. I just intuitively expected something else as a programmer since symbol
s are unique values.
My specific (simiplified) use case to give you more context (React application):
// Application state business logic
const loading = Symbol()
type Resource = { id: number; name: string }
// `loading` is used to encode loading state, `undefined` for not found
const getResource: () => Observable<typeof loading | undefined | Resource> = ...
const useApplicationState = () => {
const resource: typeof loading | undefined | Resource = useObservable(() => getResource(), [])
return {
resource, // type of symbol is widened here
// UI component
const { resource } = useApplicationState()
if (resource === loading) {
// render spinner
} else if (resource)
// render resource details
// this won't work as `typeof resource` is `Resource | symbol`, expected was just `Resource`
} else {
// render not found
I ended up with type casting as the simpliest solution:
const useApplicationState = () => {
const resource: typeof loading | undefined | Resource = useObservable(() => getResource(), [])
return {
resource: resource as typeof resource,
@weswigham Please note that there is quite simple way to enforce string literal type for string primitives, whereas it's not possible for symbols (because their type isn't known before initialization):
type UniqueString = 'UNIQUE_STRING'
const uniqueString: UniqueString = 'UNIQUE_STRING'
const foo = {
prop: uniqueString,
type Foo = typeof foo // { prop: 'UNIQUE_STRING' }
const uniqueSymbol: unique symbol = Symbol()
type UniqueSymbol = typeof uniqueSymbol
const bar = {
prop: uniqueSymbol,
type Bar = typeof bar // { prop: symbol }
It seems that main issue that I've described works consistently for primitive types but at the same time TS as a language lacks other mechanisms for type symbol
that allow to avoid generalization of variable that is a specific symbol. Please take a look at following techniques:
const literalString0 = 'literalString1'
const literalNumber0 = 1
const literalBoolean0 = true
// literal types are widened
const obj0 = {
// literal types are preserved
// technique #1 using `as const`
const literalString1 = 'literalString1' as const
const literalNumber1 = 1 as const
const literalBoolean1 = true as const
const obj1 = {
// technique #2 using explicit type declaration
const literalString2: 'literalString1' = 'literalString1'
const literalNumber2: 1 = 1
const literalBoolean2: true = true
const obj2 = {
Both as const
casting and explicit type declaration cannot be used on symbol
TypeScript Version: 3.7.5
Search Terms: symbol infer type
Expected behavior:
const uniqueSymbol = Symbol()
when used as property value in an object literal is inferred as unique typetypeof uniqueSymbol
.Actual behavior:
const uniqueSymbol = Symbol()
when used as property value in an object literal is inferred as general typesymbol
.Related Issues:
```ts "use strict"; const uniqueSymbol = Symbol(); // Example of incorrect inference (unique symbol is generalized to type `symbol`) const foo = { prop: uniqueSymbol, }; // Workarounds for incorrect behavior const bar = { prop: uniqueSymbol, }; const genericFactory = (value) => ({ prop: value }); const baz = genericFactory(uniqueSymbol); ```Compiler Options
```json { "compilerOptions": { "noImplicitAny": true, "strictNullChecks": true, "strictFunctionTypes": true, "strictPropertyInitialization": true, "strictBindCallApply": true, "noImplicitThis": true, "noImplicitReturns": true, "useDefineForClassFields": false, "alwaysStrict": true, "allowUnreachableCode": false, "allowUnusedLabels": false, "downlevelIteration": false, "noEmitHelpers": false, "noLib": false, "noStrictGenericChecks": false, "noUnusedLocals": false, "noUnusedParameters": false, "esModuleInterop": true, "preserveConstEnums": false, "removeComments": false, "skipLibCheck": false, "checkJs": false, "allowJs": false, "declaration": true, "experimentalDecorators": false, "emitDecoratorMetadata": false, "target": "ES2017", "module": "ESNext" } } ```Playground Link: Provided