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Proposal: Operator overloading and primitive type declarations #42218

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago


🔍 Search Terms

Operators, operator types, operator overloading

✅ Viability Checklist

My suggestion meets these guidelines:

⭐ Suggestion

Introduce a way to show what types can/cannot be gained from using an operator on a value of a type.

No, I am not asking for operations to be replaced with functions or such, like many other issues have asked for, I am merely asking for a way to show what types that an operation will yield when performed between two types.

Currently, there is no way to describe operator types in TS.

📃 Motivating Example

I don't have an idea for the syntax, but I'll introduce a partial syntax to showcase the idea here.

Let's imagine that TS allowed us to declare primitive types via, say, a primitive keyword:

primitive string {
    +(lhs: string, rhs: string) => string;
    +=(lhs: string, rhs: string) => string;

primitive symbol {
    +(lhs: symbol, rhs: never) => never;

primitive number {
    +(lhs: number, rhs: number) => number;
    -(lhs: number, rhs: number) => number;

    +(lhs: number, rhs: string) => string;

This is already valid TS:

let x: string = 2 + "";
let y: number = 2 + 2;

This suggests that TS already has the notion of overloaded operators that I have suggested.

Note that operators may never have a body, as TSC is not allowed to emit runtime code for the operations.

Now, TS doesn't presently allow us to declare primitives, but operations between objects always throw the error:

Operator '{op}' cannot be applied to types '{object}' and '{object}'.

And generally, yes, that is a good thing, but is it always? Take this example:

const result: string = new String("foo") + new String("bar");

I know that the ES abstract ToPrimitive will be called on both of these objects, resulting in the primitive string value contained within. Run the code yourself, it will result in "foobar", and we know this, so let's tell TSC that too! But, instead of the type string being the result of the concatenation operator, we get this:

Operator '+' cannot be applied to types 'String' and 'String'.

Let's say that we were using a type that becomes a number, ex: WebAssembly.Global:

const options = {
    value: "i32",
    mutable: false
const x = WebAssembly.Global(options, 100);
const y = WebAssembly.Global(options, 1);

const z: number = x + y; // 101

That string example could could now be something like this:

class Str extends String {
    +(lhs: Str, rhs: Str) => string; // just an operation, and it's types

    // !(lhs: Str) { return !this; } // I'm not proposing runtime operations, that is out of scope for TS!

const result: string = new Str("foo") + new Str("bar"); // no error: return type is "string" primitive!

Of course, as with anything else, this can be misused, but it's no worse than the already existing 2 + "" semantics.

đŸ’» Use Cases

This can likely solve issues such as solely via user-implemented types!

If we could declare opaque types, such as those mentioned in or, one could do stuff like, say, creating a NaN type, and stricter number types, all without runtime overhead and erasable types.

Toss in throw types and we can get some good error messages out of it too:

primitive NaN {
    +(lhs: NaN, rhs: number) => throw `One of the operands is possibly NaN, this arithmetic may be unsafe`

primitive strict_number {
    /(lhs: strict_number, rhs: strict_number) => strict_number;
    /(lhs: strict_number, rhs: 0) => NaN; // could be 'never' or throw
    **(lhs: strict_number, rhs: strict_number) => NaN | strict_number;

declare function isNaN(n: number): n is NaN;

let x: strict_number = 42;
let y: strict_number = x / 0; // Error type 'NaN' is not assignable to 'strict_number'

let a = x ** x;

if ( !isNaN(a) ) {
    // ... use a like normal number
} else {
    // oh no!

Another use, working with pointers into, say, WebAssembly memory, it usually makes no sense to do something like raising it to an exponent, and this could allow us to scope what operations are permitted. Before:

// wasm_func(): number
// wasm_func2(n: number): void
const index: number = wasm_func();
wasm_func2(index ** 3);


primitive pointer /*extends number?*/ {
    +(lhs: Pointer, rhs: number) => pointer;
    -(lhs: Pointer, rhs: number) => pointer;

    +(lhs: Pointer, rhs: pointer) => number;
    -(lhs: Pointer, rhs: pointer) => number;
// wasm_func(): pointer
// wasm_func2(n: pointer): void
const index: pointer = wasm_func();
wasm_func2(index ** 3); // TS error: operation "**" cannot be performed between types "pointer" and "number"

There will have to be some TSC enforced rules in order for it to actually be useful, ex: the return type of + must extend number | string | bigint, because nothing else could be possible.

If the primitive type idea is too radical, it could be completely decoupled from the operator overloading, so that I may perform my object arithmetic with the safety of TS. :)

Also, eventually, TS may have to implement this anyways:

ExE-Boss commented 3 years ago

Alternatively, TypeScript should handle the [Symbol.toPrimitive] method as special, and maybe also valueOf() and toString(), excluding the implicit valueOf() and toString() methods inherited from Object.prototype.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@ExE-Boss That is a possibility, but there are three problems that I can see with that approach, the first being that the proposal that I mentioned does not use them, so TS would still need another form of exposing overloads, should it ever reach stage 4, the second being that one may not want the Symbol.toPrimitive to decide whether or not an object has operations permitted on it, actually, I think that may be backwards-incompatible, as it would now allow operations on arbitrary objects where previously they could not have been done, lastly, it stops the entire primitive typing idea that I tried to introduce, as it would only apply to objects.

liudonghua123 commented 3 years ago

If js/ts support operator overloading, a lot of features would be possible, some code could be rewritten simplify. And some missing lib like python's sympy could be implement.

Looking forward to have this promising features as soon as possible.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@liudonghua123 I don't think that you understand what I'm proposing here? I'm merely asking for typing for this idea, your comment would be more suited to the ES proposal that I had linked, as they are proposing a real runtime feature.

joseDaKing commented 2 years ago

@CrimsonCodes0 I think the syntax should look more like the c++ syntax

type Position = { 
    x: number; 
    y: number; 

function operator+(rhs: Position, lfs: number): Position {

    return {
        x: position.x + nbr,
        y: position.y + nbr

let position1: Position = {
    x: 1,
    y: 2

let position2: Position = position1 + 2;
// result: { x: 3, y: 4 }

// Under the hood it would look more like this
let position2: Position = operator+(position1, 2);

Under the hood, the compiler will create a unique function name for the addition operator function. The addition operator function should always return a value that is the same type as rhs argument. The addition operator function can also be used for the addition assignment operator if all the operator functions will return a new value. It would be more like a type of extension function.

I think personally we should having operator overloading part of a class, it would make it messy and also the benefit of having them as functions they can be declared locally to a specific scope.

There should be predefined interfaces for every operator that can be overloaded so they can be targeted in generic function, for example:

function sum<T extends IAdtionOpertor>(items: T[]): T {

    let [sum, ...restItems] = items;

    for (const item of restItems) {

        sum += item;

    return sum;

let positions: Position[] = [
    {x: 1, y: 1},
    {x: 2, y: -1},
    {x: 3, y: 3},

let positionSum = sum(positions);
// results: { x: 6, y: 3};
ghost commented 2 years ago

@joseDaKing Sorry, you seem to lack context, and haven't read my issue at all... I'm asking for operator overloading declarations, just like type declarations, they're not implementations.

Note that I'm aiming to follow these points:

This wouldn't change the runtime behavior of existing JavaScript code And This could be implemented without emitting different JS based on the types of the expressions This isn't a runtime feature (e.g. library functionality, non-ECMAScript syntax with JavaScript output, new syntax sugar for JS, etc.)

You ask for

function operator+(rhs: Position, lfs: number): Position {

    return {
        x: position.x + nbr,
        y: position.y + nbr

Yet, I explicitly said,

No, I am not asking for operations to be replaced with functions or such, like many other issues have asked for, I am merely asking for a way to show what types that an operation will yield when performed between two types.

Please, read the entire issue; if you had, you would've seen that I mentioned how ECMAScript itself is already implementing this:

d3x0r commented 2 years ago

So this really isn't a thing? I found these old issues closed by MS, so I thought maybe it was already added; this guy has a fairly complete description of the functions and rules...

This would be anice feature to have been added to Typescript which has the type information required.... adding to JS is a lot of overhead in the javascript engine I'd think...

iliazeus commented 2 years ago

I really think the operator overloading should be detached from the "primitive" proposal, since "primitives" can be implemented using, e.g., branded types.

A more conservative operator overload syntax will perhaps be something like:

declare operator "+"(lhs: Foo, rhs: Foo): Foo;

Some of my (current) use cases include:

Judahh commented 2 years ago

Work with packages like bignumber.js and dinero.js would improve significantly.

OldStarchy commented 9 months ago

A recent example from one of my projects;

These types of "custom primitives" help type check mixing units like seconds / milliseconds or degrees/radians etc.

type milliseconds = number & { readonly unit: unique symbol };
type seconds = number & { readonly unit: unique symbol };

declare global {
    interface Date {
        getTime(): milliseconds;

    interface DateConstructor {
        now(): milliseconds;

export function msToS(ms: milliseconds): seconds {
    return (ms / 1000) as seconds;

export function sToMs(s: seconds): milliseconds {
    return (s * 1000) as milliseconds;

const time =; //milliseconds

console.log(msToS(time)); // OK
// console.log(sToMs(time)); // Argument of type 'milliseconds' is not assignable to parameter of type 'seconds'.

const delta = time -; // milliseconds - milliseconds => number rather than milliseconds

console.log(msToS(delta)); // Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'milliseconds'.

It would be handy to declare that milliseconds + milliseconds => milliseconds etc. or that kilometers / hour => kph.

Additionally, it would be nice to allow implicit casts from these types to number which can be achieved by making unit optional, but the downside to that is that its easy to accidentally convert between types. Making unit not optional (as above) means that you need to explicitly recast foo back to seconds, which at least shows maybe you know what you're doing (as in msToS and sToMs)

type milliseconds = number & { readonly unit?: unique symbol };
type seconds = number & { readonly unit?: unique symbol };

const foo = 1 as seconds;

msToS(foo); //error
msToS(foo + 0); //ok

Being able to declare that seconds + number => seconds would correctly cause the last line above to show an error.