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After tsc converts the js file, it does not meet expectations #46256

Open jsjzgy opened 3 years ago

jsjzgy commented 3 years ago

Bug Report

For example, the js code below is saved in the test.js file

(function(s) {

After executing the following command, the generated js code is as follows: tsc test.js --allowJs --outFile test11.js --target es2015

"use strict";
var __makeTemplateObject = (this && this.__makeTemplateObject) || function (cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;
(function (s) {
})(__makeTemplateObject([void 0], ["\\u{62}"]));

The results of using node to execute two js files are as follows node test.js


node test11.js


The results of the two files are different, but the result of test.js is in line with expectations.

I need your help, I want to know why the result of tsc conversion is not as expected

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// We can quickly address your report if:
//  - The code sample is short. Nearly all TypeScript bugs can be demonstrated in 20-30 lines of code!
//  - It doesn't use external libraries. These are often issues with the type definitions rather than TypeScript bugs.
//  - The incorrectness of the behavior is readily apparent from reading the sample.
// Reports are slower to investigate if:
//  - We have to pare too much extraneous code.
//  - We have to clone a large repo and validate that the problem isn't elsewhere.
//  - The sample is confusing or doesn't clearly demonstrate what's wrong.

🙁 Actual behavior

🙂 Expected behavior

DanielRosenwasser commented 3 years ago

Looks like a bug; maybe introduced when trying to fix this:

I haven't looked at the spec, but the behavior is consistent in SpiderMonkey. I think we are incorrectly assuming that \u{62} is an invalid escape sequence.