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JS/TS language features keep restarting #54002

Open chriskrycho opened 1 year ago

chriskrycho commented 1 year ago

Type: Bug

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to reproduce this, but am happy to demonstrate in a pairing session with someone.

Description: For the last week or so, I've seen VS Code attempting, and failing, to fully load its JS/TS language features. VS Code eventually shows a prompt, which reports that the extension has crashed and been restarted repeatedly in the last five minutes, and that it may be related to the Svelte plugin. However, I have disabled that plugin (as well as the Glint plugin we use for our Ember code) and it continues to occur, and in fact I have done the "Reload with extensions disabled" command and that has the same problem.

VS Code version: Code 1.74.3 (Universal) (97dec172d3256f8ca4bfb2143f3f76b503ca0534, 2023-01-09T17:07:18.579Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 21.6.0 Modes: Sandboxed: No

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Apple M1 Pro (10 x 24)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
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webgpu: disabled_off| |Load (avg)|6, 5, 5| |Memory (System)|32.00GB (2.52GB free)| |Process Argv|voyager-web.code-workspace| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
Extensions (79) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- codesnap|adp|1.3.4 vscode-css-modules|and|1.2.3 github-markdown-preview|bie|0.3.0 markdown-checkbox|bie|0.4.0 markdown-emoji|bie|0.3.0 markdown-footnotes|bie|0.1.1 markdown-mermaid|bie|1.17.4 markdown-preview-github-styles|bie|1.0.1 markdown-yaml-preamble|bie|0.1.0 better-toml|bun|0.3.2 vscode-yarn-script|car|0.0.1 vscode-glimmer|chi|0.0.4 npm-intellisense|chr|1.4.4 gitignore|cod|0.9.0 vscode-github-actions|csc|0.24.4 vscode-eslint|dba|2.2.6 confluence-markup|den|1.0.0 binary-plist|dni|0.11.0 nunjucks-vscode-extensionpack|dou|0.0.1 vscode-wasm|dts|1.4.0 gitlens|eam|13.2.0 EditorConfig|Edi|0.16.4 vscode-npm-script|eg2|0.3.29 prettier-vscode|esb|9.10.4 open-in-marked|fmo|1.0.9 auto-rename-tag|for|0.1.10 remotehub|Git|0.48.0 vscode-graphql|Gra|0.8.5 vscode-graphql-syntax|Gra|1.0.6 vscode-test-explorer|hbe|2.21.1 output-colorizer|IBM|0.1.2 vscode-edit-csv|jan|0.7.2 language-haskell|jus|3.6.0 center-editor-window|kai|2.3.0 swift|Kas|0.2.0 auto-comment-blocks|kev|1.0.1 template-string-converter|meg|0.6.0 dotenv|mik|1.0.1 vscode-scss|mrm|0.10.0 isort|ms-|2022.8.0 python|ms-|2022.20.2 jupyter-keymap|ms-|1.0.0 jupyter-renderers|ms-|1.0.14 remote-ssh|ms-|0.94.0 remote-wsl|ms-|0.72.0 vscode-remote-extensionpack|ms-|0.23.0 atom-keybindings|ms-|3.2.0 hexeditor|ms-|1.9.10 live-server|ms-|0.4.4 remote-explorer|ms-|0.0.3 remote-repositories|ms-|0.26.0 test-adapter-converter|ms-|0.1.6 vscode-js-profile-flame|ms-|1.0.5 quicktype|qui|12.0.46 tsserver-live-reload|rbu|1.0.1 vscode-yaml|red|1.11.0 rust-analyzer|rus|0.3.1377 jinjahtml|sam|0.20.0 crates|ser|0.5.10 vscode-table-formatter|shu|1.2.1 fish-vscode|sky|0.2.1 rewrap|stk|1.16.3 vscode-stylelint|sty|1.2.3 file-hopper|suc|0.3.5 svelte-vscode|sve|107.0.2 enumerator|swi|0.0.6 vscode-open-in-github|sys|1.17.1 shellcheck|tim|0.29.3 glint-vscode|typ|1.0.1 sort-lines|Tyr|1.9.1 vscode-mdx|uni|1.2.0 unison|uni|0.0.8 vscode-lldb|vad|1.8.1 gistfs|vsl|0.4.1 file-icons-mac|way|1.0.1 vscode-todo-highlight|way|1.0.5 change-case|wma|1.0.0 markdown-all-in-one|yzh|3.5.0 vitest-explorer|Zix|0.2.37 (14 theme extensions excluded)
mjbvz commented 1 year ago

Does this reproduce in the latest VS Code insiders build with all extensions disabled?

chriskrycho commented 1 year ago

It does indeed reproduce in that mode.

chriskrycho commented 1 year ago

My colleague @hmajoros did some further debugging and found a bit more info:

vscode attempts to create a TS project to better analyze the non-TS package you are in, and kicks off a build for every single reference ’d project we have in the top level tsconfig.json

As suggested by that, we have a “solution”-style tsconfig.json for a mixed-TS-and-JS project.

mjbvz commented 1 year ago

Can you please try collecting the TS Server log from the crashed instance. To do this:

1.In your setting Set "typescript.tsserver.log": "verbose"

  1. Restart VS Code and reproduce the problem
  2. Open the TypeScript section of the output panel
  3. At the very top, find the first line that prints to path to the semantic error log file. It should look something like:

    [Info  - 19:54:59.247] <semantic> Log file: /Users/matb/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders/logs/20200213T104930/exthost55/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-ZT2zau/tsserver.log

    That file contains the typescript logs.

Look through that log file for the first error or stack trace you see and please share that. If you can share the log, I can take a look to see if anything stands out

⚠️Warning: The TypeScript log may include information from your workspace, including file paths and source code. If you have any concerns about posting this publicly on Github, just let me know and we can arrange something else. On our side, we only use these logs to investigate issues like this

hmajoros commented 1 year ago

here are the last few lines of my tsserver.log

Info 10594[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/organization-shared/addon/components/tsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10595[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/organization-shared/addon/components/jsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10596[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/organization-shared/addon/tsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10597[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/organization-shared/addon/jsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10598[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/organization-shared/tsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10599[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/organization-shared/jsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10600[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/tsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10601[12:08:05.077] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/addons/jsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10602[12:08:05.078] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/tsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10603[12:08:05.078] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/packages/jsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10604[12:08:05.078] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/jsconfig.json 2000 undefined WatchType: Config file for the inferred project root
Info 10605[12:08:05.079] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1*
Info 10606[12:08:05.087] DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/node_modules 1 undefined Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1* WatchType: Failed Lookup Locations
Info 10607[12:08:05.087] Elapsed:: 0.008130013942718506ms DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/node_modules 1 undefined Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1* WatchType: Failed Lookup Locations
Info 10608[12:08:05.087] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/node_modules/@glimmer/component/package.json 2000 undefined Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1* WatchType: File location affecting resolution
Info 10609[12:08:05.089] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/node_modules/@glimmer/tracking/package.json 2000 undefined Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1* WatchType: File location affecting resolution
Info 10610[12:08:05.096] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: /Users/hmajoros/Job/voyager-web/node_modules/@types/ember__object/package.json 2000 undefined Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1* WatchType: File location affecting resolution

once we get to this point, in the Output tab we see a new tsserver log created, and this loops on indefinitely:

[Info  - 17:07:02.51] Starting TS Server
[Info  - 17:07:02.51] Using tsserver from: /Applications/Visual Studio
[Info  - 17:07:02.53] <syntax> Log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-CQctWX/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:07:02.53] <syntax> Forking...
[Info  - 17:07:02.55] <syntax> Starting...
[Info  - 17:07:02.56] <semantic> Log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-J4pOhd/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:07:02.56] <semantic> Forking...
[Info  - 17:07:02.57] <semantic> Starting...
[Error  - 17:08:19.15] TSServer exited. Code: null. Signal: SIGABRT
[Info  - 17:08:19.15] TSServer log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-J4pOhd/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:08:19.16] Starting TS Server
[Info  - 17:08:19.16] Using tsserver from: /Applications/Visual Studio
[Info  - 17:08:19.17] <syntax> Log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-svW805/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:08:19.17] <syntax> Forking...
[Info  - 17:08:19.18] <syntax> Starting...
[Info  - 17:08:19.19] <semantic> Log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-55o6Vv/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:08:19.19] <semantic> Forking...
[Info  - 17:08:19.20] <semantic> Starting...
[Error  - 17:09:29.604] TSServer exited. Code: null. Signal: SIGABRT
[Info  - 17:09:29.604] TSServer log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-55o6Vv/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:09:29.604] Starting TS Server
[Info  - 17:09:29.604] Using tsserver from: /Applications/Visual Studio
[Info  - 17:09:29.605] <syntax> Log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-Wwwoes/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:09:29.605] <syntax> Forking...
[Info  - 17:09:29.606] <syntax> Starting...
[Info  - 17:09:29.606] <semantic> Log file: /Users/hmajoros/Library/Application Support/Code/logs/20230131T115846/window1/exthost/vscode.typescript-language-features/tsserver-log-6SWIni/tsserver.log
[Info  - 17:09:29.606] <semantic> Forking...
[Info  - 17:09:29.607] <semantic> Starting...

let me know if you need additional info. FWIW I didn't see any specific Error logs in the tsserver.log

VSCodeTriageBot commented 1 year ago

Hey @mjbvz, this issue might need further attention.

@chriskrycho, you can help us out by closing this issue if the problem no longer exists, or adding more information.

chriskrycho commented 1 year ago

This is still an issue in our large monorepo; I believe @hmajoros had made a little more progress on why but not much. Net, it seems like Code is trying to start up a new TSServer instance for every project in the monorepo—and failing. Given hundreds of packages in the monorepo, this makes for quite the noisy experience!

mjbvz commented 1 year ago

Moving upstream to TS to see if they have any suggestions on what to check next

mjbvz commented 1 year ago

it seems like Code is trying to start up a new TSServer instance for every project in the monorepo

Are you of you subrepos linked together with project references? Can you share a monorepo that demonstrates this?