microsoft / TypeScript

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Bug: TS extract to constant in enclosing scope with lamda functions without curly braces #55323

Open hrueger opened 1 year ago

hrueger commented 1 year ago

Type: Bug

Hi, when using the intellisense command Extract to constant in enclosing scope while inside a lambda function without curly braces and while having an argument of that lambda function selected, the new constant is created outside if the function which generates a build error.

For example:

const doSomething = (i: number) => (i + 2) * 5;

when selecting i + 2 and running Extract to constant in enclosing scope, we get this:

const newLocal = i + 2;
const doSomething = (i: number) => (newLocal) * 5;

which is obviously wrong. We need to run Add braces to arrow function first, then the command above works correctly and generates

const doSomething = (i: number) => {
    const newLocal = i + 2;
    return (newLocal) * 5;

TS should please do this automatically, it bothers me every day ;-) Thanks in advance!

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Andarist commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of . What is interesting here is that this refactor shouldn't even succeed as per the diagnostic that could be raised here:

However, in this specific scenario the source file becomes the "innermost scope" (since the body-less arrow gets ignored) and this code just assumes that it's fine to not even test this (as per the described special case in the code comment).

It's probably fine to ignore this since the support for body-less arrows should "fix" this special case to always be true.