microsoft / TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
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[ServerErrors][JavaScript] 5.3.0-dev.20230924 #55849

Closed typescript-bot closed 11 months ago

typescript-bot commented 11 months ago

The following errors were reported by 5.3.0-dev.20230924 Pipeline that generated this bug Logs for the pipeline run File that generated the pipeline

This run considered 200 popular TS repos from GH (after skipping the top 0).

Successfully analyzed 193 of 200 visited repos | Outcome | Count | |---------|-------| | Detected interesting changes | 1 | | Detected no interesting changes | 192 | | Unknown failure | 7 |

Investigation Status

Repo Errors Outcome
05dc022b77792efd84491358bf4bf0af 1
typescript-bot commented 11 months ago

Server exited prematurely with code unknown and signal SIGABRT

Server exited prematurely with code unknown and signal SIGABRT

Affected repos

tastejs/todomvc Raw error text: RepoResults5/tastejs.todomvc.rawError.txt in the artifact folder

Last few requests

```json {"seq":4474,"type":"request","command":"completionInfo","arguments":{"file":"@PROJECT_ROOT@/examples/angular-dart/web/main.dart.js","line":18040,"offset":61,"includeExternalModuleExports":false,"triggerKind":1}} {"seq":4475,"type":"request","command":"completionEntryDetails","arguments":{"file":"@PROJECT_ROOT@/examples/angular-dart/web/main.dart.js","line":18040,"offset":61,"entryNames":["$"]}} {"seq":4476,"type":"request","command":"references","arguments":{"file":"@PROJECT_ROOT@/examples/angular-dart/web/main.dart.js","line":18040,"offset":76}} {"seq":4477,"type":"request","command":"completionInfo","arguments":{"file":"@PROJECT_ROOT@/examples/angular-dart/web/main.dart.js","line":18040,"offset":76,"includeExternalModuleExports":false,"triggerKind":1}} ```

Repro steps

  1. git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. In dir todomvc, run git reset --hard e9d9ae86b776422b67fde912302f626887d4e651
  3. Install packages (exact steps are below, but it might be easier to follow the repo readme)
    1. In dir todomvc/bower_components/bootstrap, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    2. In dir todomvc/bower_components/webcomponentsjs, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    3. In dir todomvc/examples/angular-dart, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    4. In dir todomvc/examples/angular2_es2015, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    5. In dir todomvc/examples/angular2, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    6. In dir todomvc/examples/angularjs_require, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    7. In dir todomvc/examples/angularjs_require/test, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    8. In dir todomvc/examples/angularjs, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    9. In dir todomvc/examples/aurelia, run npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    10. In dir todomvc/examples/backbone_marionette, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    11. In dir todomvc/examples/backbone_require, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    12. In dir todomvc/examples/backbone, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    13. In dir todomvc/examples/binding-scala, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    14. In dir todomvc/examples/canjs_require, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    15. In dir todomvc/examples/canjs, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    16. In dir todomvc/examples/closure, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    17. In dir todomvc/examples/cujo, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    18. In dir todomvc/examples/dijon, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    19. In dir todomvc/examples/dojo, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    20. In dir todomvc/examples/duel, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    21. In dir todomvc/examples/elm, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    22. In dir todomvc/examples/emberjs/todomvc, run npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    23. In dir todomvc/examples/enyo_backbone, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    24. In dir todomvc/examples/exoskeleton, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    25. In dir todomvc/examples/firebase-angular, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    26. In dir todomvc/examples/gwt, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    27. In dir todomvc/examples/jquery, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    28. In dir todomvc/examples/js_of_ocaml, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    29. In dir todomvc/examples/jsblocks, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    30. In dir todomvc/examples/knockback, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    31. In dir todomvc/examples/knockoutjs_require, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    32. In dir todomvc/examples/knockoutjs, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    33. In dir todomvc/examples/kotlin-react, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    34. In dir todomvc/examples/lavaca_require, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    35. In dir todomvc/examples/lit, run npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    36. In dir todomvc/examples/mithril, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    37. In dir todomvc/examples/polymer, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    38. In dir todomvc/examples/ractive, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    39. In dir todomvc/examples/react-alt, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    40. In dir todomvc/examples/react-backbone, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    41. In dir todomvc/examples/react-hooks, run npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    42. In dir todomvc/examples/react-redux, run npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    43. In dir todomvc/examples/react, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    44. In dir todomvc/examples/reagent, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    45. In dir todomvc/examples/riotjs, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    46. In dir todomvc/examples/scalajs-react, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    47. In dir todomvc/examples/typescript-angular, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    48. In dir todomvc/examples/typescript-backbone, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    49. In dir todomvc/examples/typescript-react, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    50. In dir todomvc/examples/vanilla-es6, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    51. In dir todomvc/examples/vanillajs, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    52. In dir todomvc/examples/vue, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    53. In dir todomvc, run npm ci --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    54. In dir todomvc/tasks, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    55. In dir todomvc/tests, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
    56. In dir todomvc/tooling, run npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit --no-progress --legacy-peer-deps --ignore-scripts -q
  4. Back in the initial folder, download RepoResults5/tastejs.todomvc.replay.txt from the artifact folder
  5. npm install --no-save @typescript/server-replay
  6. npx tsreplay ./todomvc ./tastejs.todomvc.replay.txt path/to/tsserver.js
  7. npx tsreplay --help to learn about helpful switches for debugging, logging, etc