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Union of user-defined type guards spawns incorrect type #56731

Open solovevserg opened 10 months ago

solovevserg commented 10 months ago

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// U must extend T, else we get TS2766 error "A type predicate's type must be assignable to its parameter's type."
type UnaryTypeGuard<T, U extends T = T> = (arg: T) => arg is U;

// Let's decalre some guard-signatured function types
declare type Guard1 = (x: 1 | 2 | 3) => x is 1;
declare type Guard2 = (x: 1 | 2 | 3) => x is 2;
declare type Guard3 = (x: 2 | 3 | 4) => x is 4;

// Typed as ["Guard with types:", 1 | 2 | 3, 1] as expected
type TestGuard1 = Guard1 extends UnaryTypeGuard<infer T, infer U> ? ["Guard with types:", T, U] : "Not Guard";
// Typed as ["Guard with types:", 1 | 2 | 3, 1 | 2] as expected
type TestUnion12 = Guard1 | Guard2 extends UnaryTypeGuard<infer T, infer U> ? ["Guard with types:", T, U] : "Not Guard";
// Typed as ["Guard with types:", any, 2 | 4], so `Guard2 | Guard3` matches type guard signature
type TestUnion23Any = Guard2 | Guard3 extends UnaryTypeGuard<any, infer U> ?  ["Guard with types:", any, U] : "Not Guard";
// But this one is typed as "Not Guard", which means `Guard2 | Guard3` doesn't match type guard signature...
type TestUnion23 = Guard2 | Guard3 extends UnaryTypeGuard<infer T, infer U> ? ["Guard with types:", T, U] : "Not Guard";

// Let's introduce a function with signature of unioned guards
declare const oneOf: Guard2 | Guard3;
declare const a:  2 | 3;

// While hovering the function call you can see
// `const oneOf: (x: 2 | 3) => x is 2 | 4`
// which seems a type violating TS2766,
// but we still can narrow types as expected
if (oneOf(a)) { 
    // `a` is definitely of type `2` here
} else {
    // `a` is definitely of type `3` here

// We can retrieve this stored type `4` in such case
declare const b: any;
if (oneOf(b)) {
    // `b is `2 | 4`

🙁 Actual behavior

A union type of user-defined guards' types produces an incorrect guard signature which leads to inconsistent behaviour. The resulting type doesn't extends the type guard sinature in general, but a value of such type acts as a type guard.

// Typed as "Not Guard"
type TestUnion23 = Guard2 | Guard3 extends UnaryTypeGuard<infer T, infer U> ? ["Guard with types:", T, U] : "Not Guard";

// typed as `const oneOf: (x: 2 | 3) => x is 2 | 4` which violates TS2677
decalre const oneOf: Guard2 | Guard3;

🙂 Expected behavior

A union type of user-defined guards' types should produce a correct type guard signature.

A possible way to achieve this is to forcibly intersect unioned predicates' types with intersected arguments' types to compute a resulting predicate's type. Then:

// ["Guard with types:", 2 | 3, 2]
type TestUnion23 = Guard2 | Guard3 extends UnaryTypeGuard<infer T, infer U> ? ["Guard with types:", T, U] : "Not Guard";

// typed as `const oneOf: (x: 2 | 3) => x is 2` which doesn't violates TS2677
decalre const oneOf: Guard2 | Guard3;

Additional information about the issue

This report comes from my original task of typing a generic function which combines several user-defined type guards with OR strategy.

The simplest solution (see below) spawns the reported behaviour.

function someGuard<TGuards extends UnaryTypeGuard<any>[]>(...guards: TGuards): TGuards[number] {
    return (x => guards.some(g => g(x))) as TGuards[number];
Kallenju commented 10 months ago

@solovevserg I think this is how type intersection and distribution works. Maybe you need one more layer of extends or some generic in order to exclude situations when a type predicate's type is not assignable to its parameter's type.

In this code type distribution does not work.

type TestUnion23 = Guard2 | Guard3 extends UnaryTypeGuard<infer T, infer U> ? ["Guard with types:", T, U] : "Not Guard";

Result type of Guard2 | Guard3 is a type guard which accepts x: 2 | 3, but Guard3 required 4 in argument type.