microsoft / TypeScript

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[NewErrors] 5.4.0-dev.20240218 vs 5.3.3 #57432

Closed typescript-bot closed 6 months ago

typescript-bot commented 6 months ago

The following errors were reported by 5.4.0-dev.20240218, but not by 5.3.3 Pipeline that generated this bug Logs for the pipeline run File that generated the pipeline

This run considered 200 popular TS repos from GH (after skipping the top 0).

Successfully analyzed 118 of 200 visited repos | Outcome | Count | |---------|-------| | Detected interesting changes | 9 | | Detected no interesting changes | 109 | | Git clone failed | 3 | | Package install failed | 34 | | Project-graph error in old TS | 4 | | Too many errors in old TS | 35 | | Unknown failure | 6 |

Investigation Status

Repo Errors Outcome
BuilderIO/qwik 1
drizzle-team/drizzle-orm 19
heyxyz/hey 3
lyswhut/lx-music-desktop 1
pixijs/pixijs 2
quilljs/quill 2
react-hook-form/react-hook-form 1
refined-github/refined-github 5
vuejs/core 2
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


**10 of 11 projects failed to build with the old tsc and were ignored** ### [tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2604: JSX element type 'Cmp' does not have any construct or call signatures.` - [packages\/qwik\/src\/core\/render\/jsx\/types\/jsx-types.unit.tsx\#L201](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


**18 of 25 projects failed to build with the old tsc and were ignored** ### [drizzle-orm\/tests\/tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'SQLiteD1Session>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/d1\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'LibSQLSession>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/libsql\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'TFullSchema extends Record ? DrizzleTypeError<"Seems like the schema generic is missing - did you forget to add it to your DB type?"> : { [K in keyof TSchema]: RelationalQueryBuilder; }'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L62]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'this["query"]'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L71]( ### [drizzle-orm\/tsconfig.dts.json]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'SQLiteD1Session>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/d1\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'LibSQLSession>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/libsql\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'TFullSchema extends Record ? DrizzleTypeError<"Seems like the schema generic is missing - did you forget to add it to your DB type?"> : { [K in keyof TSchema]: RelationalQueryBuilder; }'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L62]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'this["query"]'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L71]( ### [drizzle-orm\/tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'SQLiteD1Session>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/d1\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'LibSQLSession>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/libsql\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'TFullSchema extends Record ? DrizzleTypeError<"Seems like the schema generic is missing - did you forget to add it to your DB type?"> : { [K in keyof TSchema]: RelationalQueryBuilder; }'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L62]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'this["query"]'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L71]( ### [drizzle-orm\/type-tests\/tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'SQLiteD1Session>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/d1\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'LibSQLSession>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SQLiteSession<"async", unknown, Record, TablesRelationalConfig>'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/libsql\/migrator.ts\#L10]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'TFullSchema extends Record ? DrizzleTypeError<"Seems like the schema generic is missing - did you forget to add it to your DB type?"> : { [K in keyof TSchema]: RelationalQueryBuilder; }'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L62]( - `error TS2536: Type 'keyof TSchema' cannot be used to index type 'this["query"]'.` - [drizzle-orm\/src\/sqlite-core\/db.ts\#L71]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'Omit; cityId: MySqlColumn<{ name: "id"; tableName: "new_yorkers"; dataType: "number"; columnType: "MySqlSerial"; data: number; driverParam: number; notNull: false; hasDefault: true; enumValues: undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object>; }, "partial", MySql2PreparedQueryHKT, never, false, never, never[], { userId: never; cityId: never; }>, never>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.` - [drizzle-orm\/type-tests\/mysql\/set-operators.ts\#L159]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'Omit; cityId: PgColumn<{ name: "id"; tableName: "new_yorkers"; dataType: "number"; columnType: "PgSerial"; data: number; driverParam: number; notNull: false; hasDefault: true; enumValues: undefined; baseColumn: never; }, {}, {}>; }, "partial", never, false, never, never[], { userId: never; cityId: never; }>, never>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.` - [drizzle-orm\/type-tests\/pg\/set-operators.ts\#L151]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'Omit; cityId: SQLiteColumn<{ name: "id"; tableName: "new_yorkers"; dataType: "number"; columnType: "SQLiteInteger"; data: number; driverParam: number; notNull: false; hasDefault: true; enumValues: undefined; baseColumn: never; }, object>; }, "partial", never, false, never, never[], { userId: never; cityId: never; }>, never>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.` - [drizzle-orm\/type-tests\/sqlite\/set-operators.ts\#L151](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


**2 of 13 projects failed to build with the old tsc and were ignored** ### [apps\/web\/tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2865: Import 'PublicationStats' conflicts with local value, so must be declared with a type-only import when 'isolatedModules' is enabled.` - [apps\/web\/src\/components\/Publication\/PublicationStats.tsx\#L13]( - `error TS2865: Import 'Nft' conflicts with local value, so must be declared with a type-only import when 'isolatedModules' is enabled.` - [apps\/web\/src\/components\/Shared\/Oembed\/Nft\/index.tsx\#L7]( - `error TS2865: Import 'Portal' conflicts with local value, so must be declared with a type-only import when 'isolatedModules' is enabled.` - [apps\/web\/src\/components\/Shared\/Oembed\/Portal\/index.tsx\#L5](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


**1 of 6 projects failed to build with the old tsc and were ignored** ### [src\/renderer\/tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2578: Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.` - [src\/renderer\/plugins\/player\/index.ts\#L376](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


### [tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2430: Interface 'ICanvasRenderingContext2D' incorrectly extends interface 'CanvasTextDrawingStyles'.` - [packages\/settings\/src\/ICanvasRenderingContext2D.ts\#L7]( ### [tsconfig.types.json]( - `error TS2430: Interface 'ICanvasRenderingContext2D' incorrectly extends interface 'CanvasTextDrawingStyles'.` - [packages\/settings\/src\/ICanvasRenderingContext2D.ts\#L7](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


### [packages\/quill\/tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2578: Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.` - [packages\/quill\/src\/core\/quill.ts\#L272]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/core\/quill.ts\#L408]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L114]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L116]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L130]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L135]( ### [tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2578: Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.` - [packages\/quill\/src\/core\/quill.ts\#L272]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/core\/quill.ts\#L408]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L114]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L116]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L130]( - [packages\/quill\/src\/modules\/toolbar.ts\#L135](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


**2 of 3 projects failed to build with the old tsc and were ignored** ### [tsconfig.json]( - `error TS7006: Parameter 'values' implicitly has an 'any' type.` - [src\/logic\/createFormControl.ts\#L1328](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


### [tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2344: Type 'ParseSelector' does not satisfy the constraint 'HTMLElement'.` - [source\/helpers\/fetch-dom.ts\#L8]( - [source\/helpers\/select-has.ts\#L9]( - `error TS2344: Type 'ExpectedElement' does not satisfy the constraint 'Element'.` - [source\/helpers\/selector-observer.tsx\#L18]( - [source\/helpers\/selector-observer.tsx\#L42]( - `error TS2339: Property 'classList' does not exist on type 'ExpectedElement'.` - [source\/helpers\/selector-observer.tsx\#L23]( - [source\/helpers\/selector-observer.tsx\#L28]( - `error TS2339: Property 'matches' does not exist on type 'ExpectedElement'.` - [source\/helpers\/selector-observer.tsx\#L23]( - `error TS2345: Argument of type 'ObserverListener' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ObserverListener'.` - [source\/helpers\/selector-observer.tsx\#L69](
typescript-bot commented 6 months ago


**1 of 3 projects failed to build with the old tsc and were ignored** ### []( - `error TS2322: Type 'T | DeepReadonly>>' is not assignable to type 'T'.` - [packages\/reactivity\/src\/reactive.ts\#L412]( ### [tsconfig.json]( - `error TS2322: Type 'T | DeepReadonly>>' is not assignable to type 'T'.` - [packages\/reactivity\/src\/reactive.ts\#L412](