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generator next type should be inferred as union (instead of intersection) of yields' types OR just unknown #58343

Open btoo opened 2 weeks ago

btoo commented 2 weeks ago

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generator yield next

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the following is perfectly valid javascript

function* generator() {
  const yield1 = yield
  console.log({ yield1 })
  const yield2 = yield
  console.log({ yield2 })
  const yield3 = yield
  console.log({ yield3 })

const gen = generator()'string')
// { yield1: 'string' }
// { yield2: 2 }
// { yield3: true }

but becomes a type error when converted to the equivalent typescript

function* generator() {
  const yield1: string = yield
  console.log({ yield1 })
  const yield2: number = yield
  console.log({ yield2 })
  const yield3: boolean = yield
  console.log({ yield3 })

const gen = generator()'string') // Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'never'
// { yield1: 'string' } // Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'never'
// { yield2: 2 } // Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'never'
// { yield3: true }

🙁 Actual behavior

generator's inferred type signature is

function generator(): Generator<undefined, void, never>

because the Generator's TNext gets inferred as the intersection of the yields' types: string & number & boolean -> never

🙂 Expected behavior

generator's inferred type signature should be the union of the yields' types

function generator(): Generator<undefined, void, string | number | boolean>


just unknown

function generator(): Generator<undefined, void, unknown>

causing (yield) as string (along with the usage of any type to which unknown is not assignable) to be a compilation error

Additional information about the issue

while inferring the union still isn't perfectly type-safe (e.g. the inferred union cannot statically prevent a const yield1: string = yield from being incorrectly called with next(2)), it would go beyond bringing the inferred version up to parity with the explicit version because the explicit version would not be able to type each yield independently: