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type inference issue with dynamic template literals #58402

Open playerx opened 2 months ago

playerx commented 2 months ago

🔎 Search Terms

"template literals and type inference", "type inference with dynamic template literals"

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type Api = {
  [key: `hello.${string}`]: (data: { name: string }) => void

let userId: string = 'dynamic string'

// Example1: Doesn't work. type for `e` can't be inferred
const test1: Api = {
  [`hello.${userId}`]: e => {

// Example2: Works
const test2: Api = {
  [`hello.static_string`]: e => {

// Example3: Works
const on = <K extends keyof Api>(
  key: K,
  action: (data: Api[K]) => void,
) => {
  // some logic

on(`hello.${userId}`, e => {

🙁 Actual behavior

Example 1 doesn't work, while Example 2 and Example 3 works properly. The type for e can't be inferred

🙂 Expected behavior

To infer type of e in the Example 1.

Additional information about the issue

No response

Andarist commented 2 months ago

In a sense, this could be seen as a duplicate of . Like I mentioned here the computed properties like this are always widened - without considering the contextual property keys.

A somewhat related thing to this is that those assignments work because index signatures turn off common property checking:

const obj: { [key: `hello.${string}`]: string } = {} as {
  [key: string]: string;

This is OK but it would - IMHO - make sense for this to participate in the common property check. You can see a different issue related to this:

Xriuk commented 2 months ago

Not sure if it's related to this but I'm facing a similar problem:

type Original = `/AnyString/${number}`;
type Match = Original extends `${infer Head}/${number}${infer Tail}` ? {
    a: Head,
    b: Tail
} : never;

Here Match is never because apparently it matches /AnyString as /${number} and then fails because AnyString is not a number.