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Add a rule to the compiler options to disallow the `assert` keyword for import attributes #58453

Open petamoriken opened 3 weeks ago

petamoriken commented 3 weeks ago

🔍 Search Terms

"import assertions", "import attributes", "assert"

✅ Viability Checklist

⭐ Suggestion

Currently Stage 3 Import Attributes deprecates the assert keywords and is working to remove them from the spec if possible. V8 will remove support for the assert keywords, so Node.js and Chrome will follow suit.

Hey, quick update on this. Node.js is planning to remove support for assert in v22 (which will be released in April) and Chrome in v126 (which will be released in May).

I would like to remove support for the assert keywords from TypeScript as well, and would like to add disallowAssertKeywords to the compiler options as a beginning.


JSR bans publishing of TypeScript/JavaScript files that use the assert keywords.

I've made a PR for swc, but it is pending because I can't include features that are not in tsc.

📃 Motivating Example

The following code will fail if the disallowAssertKeywords option is enabled.

import foo from "./foo.json" assert { type: "json" };

💻 Use Cases

  1. What do you want to use this for?

Deno / JSR

  1. What shortcomings exist with current approaches?

Deprecated the assert keywords cannot be rejected

  1. What workarounds are you using in the meantime?


RyanCavanaugh commented 2 weeks ago

I think the most likely course of action is to deprecate the syntax in 6.0 with a compat flag for a little bit. A lint rule is probably the best choice if you need to ban this right away in some other scenario

petamoriken commented 2 weeks ago

I think the most likely course of action is to deprecate the syntax in 6.0 with a compat flag for a little bit.


The DENO_FUTURE=1 environment variable disables the assert keywords in JavaScript, so I would like to gradually disable assert keywords in TypeScript as well by adding the disallowAssertKeywords option.

A lint rule is probably the best choice if you need to ban this right away in some other scenario

The no-import-assertions rule is already implemented in deno_lint and is enabled by default.

a-tarasyuk commented 2 weeks ago

@RyanCavanaugh Should the disallowAssertKeywords option be added, or would this be considered an addition to the list of deprecated items?

MartinJohns commented 2 weeks ago

disallowAssertKeywords sounds super generic and can mistakenly interpreted to refer to asserts too. And "keywords" is pluralized, but I'm not sure to what other keyword this option refers to?

Perhaps something like disallowAssertImports would be better?

a-tarasyuk commented 2 weeks ago

The option name is open to discussion. However, it's more important to determine whether we need to add this new option or if this deprecation should be handled by the ignoreDeprecations option.

RyanCavanaugh commented 1 week ago

Sorry for the confusing metadata on this one. We think we'll just hold off on erroring until 6.0, at which point it'll become parsed-with-an-error, then just quit parsing at 6.5

robpalme commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the update. It's great that TS can evolve by retiring syntax as well as retiring flags.

Given that this leaves the hazard of TS emitting non-ideal (maybe even non-standard/non-executable) JS without any user guidance for the next 18 months, how would you feel about landing some mitigations earlier than 6.0? For example:

RyanCavanaugh commented 1 week ago

I'd need to understand how someone would be unintentionally writing assert in an import statement to prioritize those mitigations

robpalme commented 1 week ago

Today Node LTS supports with and Node Latest does not support assert. In three weeks, Chrome will also not support assert.

So I think it's safe to say that anyone still using assert in the TS 5.6 time-frame (Sept 2024?) is doing so unintentionally. Either due to carry-over from existing code, or someone is following out of date documentation.

Both cases would benefit from TS guidance towards with. TC39 communications on this migration has limited reach, whereas TS can surface the forwards path readily.