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Polymorphic "this" for static members #5863

Open xealot opened 8 years ago

xealot commented 8 years ago

When trying to implement a fairly basic, but polymorphic, active record style model system we run into issues with the type system not respecting this when used in conjunction with a constructor or template/generic.

I've posted before about this here, #5493, and #5492 appears to mention this behavior also.

And here is an SO post this that I made:

I have recycled my example from #5493 into this ticket for further discussion. I wanted an open ticket representing the desire for such a thing and for discussion but the other two are closed.

Here is an example that outlines a model Factory which produces models. If you want to customize the BaseModel that comes back from the Factory you should be able to override it. However this fails because this cannot be used in a static member.

// Typically in a library
export interface InstanceConstructor<T extends BaseModel> {
    new(fac: Factory<T>): T;

export class Factory<T extends BaseModel> {
    constructor(private cls: InstanceConstructor<T>) {}

    get() {
        return new this.cls(this);

export class BaseModel {
    // NOTE: Does not work....
    constructor(private fac: Factory<this>) {}

    refresh() {
        // get returns a new instance, but it should be of
        // type Model, not BaseModel.
        return this.fac.get();

// Application Code
export class Model extends BaseModel {
    do() {
        return true;

// Kinda sucks that Factory cannot infer the "Model" type
let f = new Factory<Model>(Model);
let a = f.get();

// b is inferred as any here.
let b = a.refresh();

Maybe this issue is silly and there is an easy workaround. I welcome comments regarding how such a pattern can be achieved.

Think7 commented 8 years ago

The size and shape of my boat is quite similar! Ahoy!

A factory method in a superclass returns new instances of its subclasses. The functionality of my code works but requires me to cast the return type:

class Parent {
    public static deserialize(data: Object): any { ... create new instance ... }
    // Can't return a this type from statics! ^^^ :(

class Child extends Parent { ... }

let data = { ... };
let aChild: Child = Child.deserialize(data);
//           ^^^ Requires a cast as type cannot be inferred.
LPGhatguy commented 8 years ago

I ran into this issue today too!

A fixup solution is to pass the child type in as a generic extending the base class, which is a solution I apply for the time being:

class Parent {
    static create<T extends Parent>(): T {
        let t = new this();

        return <T>t;

class Child extends Parent {
    field: string;

let b = Child.create<Child>();
paul-go commented 8 years ago

Is there a reason this issue was closed?

The fact that polymorphic this doesn't work on statics basically makes this feature DOA, in my opinion. I've to date never actually needed polymorphic this on instance members, yet I've needed every few weeks on statics, since the system of handling statics was finalized way back in the early days. I was overjoyed when this feature was announced, then subsequently let down when realizing it only works on instance members.

The use case is very basic and extremely common. Consider a simple factory method:

class Animal
    static create(): this
        return new this();

class Bunny extends Animal

Bunny.create().hop() // Type error!! Come on!!

At this point I've been either resorting to ugly casting or littering static create() methods in each inheritor. Not having this feature seems like a fairly large completeness hole in the language.

RyanCavanaugh commented 8 years ago

@paul-go the issue is not closed... ?

Think7 commented 8 years ago

@paul-go I've been frustrated with this issue also but the below is the most reliable workaround i've found. Each Animal subclass would need to call super.create() and just cast the result to it's type. Not a big deal and it's a one liner that can easily be removed with this is added.

The compiler, intellisense, and most importantly the bunny are all happy.

class Animal {
    public static create<T extends Animal>(): T {
        let TClass = this.constructor.prototype;
        return <T>( new TClass() );

class Bunny extends Animal {    
    public static create(): Bunny {
        return <Bunny>super.create();

    public hop(): void {
        console.log(" Hoppp!! :) ");


          \\_ " See? I am now a happy Bunny! "
           (')   " Don't be so hostile! "
          / )=           " :P "
        o( )_
paul-go commented 8 years ago

@RyanCavanaugh Oops ... for some reason I confused this with #5862 ... sorry for the battle axe aggression :-)

@Think7 Yep ... hence the "resorting to ugly casting or littering static create() methods in each inheritor". It's pretty hard though when you're a library developer and you can't really force end users to implement a bunch of typed static methods in the classes that they inherit from you.

Think7 commented 8 years ago

lawl. Totally missed everything under your code :D

Meh was worth it, Got to draw a bunny.

xealot commented 8 years ago

:+1: bunny

RyanCavanaugh commented 8 years ago

:rabbit: :heart:

nathan-rice commented 8 years ago

+1, would definitely like to see this

LPGhatguy commented 8 years ago

Have there been any discussion updates on this topic?

RyanCavanaugh commented 8 years ago

It remains on our enormous suggestion backlog.

SylvainEstevez commented 8 years ago

Javascript already acts correctly in such a pattern. If TS could follow also that would save us from a lot of boilerplate/extra code. The "model pattern" is a pretty standard one, I'd expect TS to work as JS does on this.

RonNewcomb commented 8 years ago

I would also really like this feature for the same "CRUD Model" reasons as everyone else. I need it on static methods more than instance methods.

yortus commented 8 years ago

This would provide a neat solution to the problem described in #8164.

iby commented 8 years ago

It's good that there're "solutions" with overrides and generics, but they aren't really solving anything here – the whole purpose of having this feature is to avoid such overrides / casting and create consistency with how this return type is handled in instance methods.

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

I'm working on the typings for Sequelize 4.0 and it uses an approach where you subclass a Model class. That Model class has countless static methods like findById() etc. that of course do not return a Model but your subclass, aka this in the static context:

abstract class Model {
    public static tableName: string;
    public static findById(id: number): this { // error: a this type is only available in a non-static member of a class or interface 
        const rows = db.query(`SELECT * FROM ${this.tableName} WHERE id = ?`, [id]);
        const instance = new this();
        for (const column of Object.keys(rows[0])) {
            instance[column] = rows[0][column];
        return instance;        

class User extends Model {
    public static tableName = 'users';
    public username: string;    

const user = User.findById(1); // user instanceof User

This is not possible to type currently. Sequelize is the ORM for Node and it is sad that it cannot be typed. Really need this feature. The only way is to cast everytime you call one of these functions or to override every single one of them, adapt the return type and do nothing but call super.method().

Also kind of related is that static members cannot reference generic type arguments - some of the methods take an object literal of attributes for the model that could be typed through a type argument, but they are only available to instance members.

Think7 commented 8 years ago

😰 Can't believe this still isn't fixed / added.....

PanayotCankov commented 8 years ago

We could make a good use of this:

declare class NSObject {
    init(): this;
    static alloc(): this;

declare class UIButton extends NSObject {

let btn: UIButton = UIButton.alloc().init();
zpdDG4gta8XKpMCd commented 8 years ago

here is a use case that i wish worked (migrated from which i closed in favor of this)

Currently the parameters of a constructor cannot use this type in them:

class C<T> {
        public transformParam: (self: this) => T // not works
    public transformMethod(self: this) : T { // works
        return undefined;

Expected: this to be available for constructor parameters.

A problem that is sought to be solved:

class TheirFluentApi {
    totallyUnrelated(): TheirFluentApi {
        return this;

class MyFluentApi<FluentApi> {
        public toNextApi: (self: this) => FluentApi // let's imagine it works
    one(): FluentApi {
        return this.toNextApi(this);
    another(): FluentApi {
        return this.toNextApi(this);

// self based fluent API;
const selfBased = new MyFluentApi(this => this);;

// foreign based fluent API:
const foreignBased = new MyFluentApi(this => new TheirFluentApi());;
audinue commented 8 years ago

Future-proof workaround:

class Foo {

    foo() { }

    static create<T extends Foo>(): Foo & T {
        return new this() as Foo & T;

class Bar extends Foo {

    bar() {}

class Baz extends Bar {

    baz() {}


This way, when TypeScript supported this for static members, new user code will be Baz.create() instead of Baz.create<Baz>() while old user code will be work just fine. :smile:

shlomiassaf commented 8 years ago

This is really needed! especially for DAO that have static methods returning the instance. Most of them defined on a base DAO, like (save, get, update etc...)

I can say that it might cause some confusion, having this type on a static method resolve to the class it's in and not the type of the class (i.e: typeof).

In real JS, calling a static method on a type will result in this inside the function being the class and not an instance of it... so it inconsistent.

However, in people intuition I think the first thing that pops up when seeing this return type on a static method is the instance type...

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

@shlomiassaf It would not be inconsistent. When you specify a class as a return type for a function like User, the return type will be an instance of the user. Exactly the same, when you define a return type of this on a static method the return type will be an instance of this (an instance of the class). A method that returns the class itself can then be modeled with typeof this.

shlomiassaf commented 8 years ago

@felixfbecker this is totally a view point thing, this is how you choose to look at it.

Let's inspect what happens in JS, so we can infer logic:

class Example {
  myFunc(): this {
    return this; 

  static myFuncStatic(): this {
    return this;   // this === Example

new Example().myFunc() //  instanceof Exapmle === true
Example.myFuncStatic() // === Example

Now, this in real runtime is the bounded context of the function, this is exactly what happens in fluent api like interfaces and the polymorphic this feature help by returning the right type, which is just aligning with how JS works, A base class returning this returns the instance which created by the derived class. The feature is actually a fix.

To sum up: A method returning this that is defined as part of the prototype (instance) is expected to return the instance.

Continuing with that logic, a method returning this that is defined as part of the class type (prototype) is expected to return the bounded context, which is the class type.

Again, no bias, no opinion, simple facts.

Intuition wise, I will feel comfortable having this returned from a static function represent the instance since it's defined within the type, but thats me. Others might think differently and we can't tell them their wrong.

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

The problem is that it needs to be possible to type both a static method that returns a class instance and a static method that returns the class itself (typeof this). Your logic makes sense from a JS perspective, but we are talking about return types here, and using a class as a return type (here this) in TypeScript and any other language always means the instance of the class. To return the actual class, we have the typeof operator.

LPGhatguy commented 8 years ago

@felixfbecker This raises another issue!

If the type this is the instance type, it's different than what the this keyword refers to in the body of the static method. return this yields a function return type of typeof this, which is totally weird!

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

No, its not. When you define a method like

getUser(): User {

you expect to get a User instance back, not the User class (that's what typeof is for). It's how it works in every typed language. Type semantics are simply different from runtime semantics.

izatop commented 8 years ago

Why not use this or static keywords as a constructor in func for manipulating with a child class?

class Model {
  static find():this[] {
    return [new this("prop")]; // or new static(...)

class Entity extends Model {
  constructor(public prop:string) {}

Entity.find().map(x => console.log(x.prop));

And if we compare this with an example in JS, we'll see what it works correctly:

class Model {
  static find() { 
    return [new this] 

class Entity extends Model {
  constructor(prop) {
    this.prop = prop;

Entity.find().map(x => console.log(x.prop))
xealot commented 8 years ago

You cannot use the this type on a static method, I think that's the entire root of the issue.

LPGhatguy commented 8 years ago


Consider this:

class Greeter {
    static getHandle(): this {
        return this;

This type annotation is intuitive, but incorrect if the type this in a static method is the class instance. The keyword this has a type of typeof this in a static method!

I do feel that this should refer to the instance type, not the class type, because we can get a reference to the class type from the instance type (typeof X) but not vice-versa (instancetypeof X?)

izatop commented 8 years ago

@xealot okay, why not use static keyword instead this? But this in JS static context still points to a constructor.

xealot commented 8 years ago

@izatop yes, the generated javascript does work (properly or improperly). However, this is not about Javascript. The complaint isn't that the Javascript language doesn't allow this pattern, it's that Typescript's type system doesn't.

You cannot maintain type safety with this pattern because Typescript doesn't allow polymorphic this types on static members. This includes class methods defined with the static keyword and the constructor.

Playground Link

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

@LPGhatguy but you did read my previous comment, right?! If you have a method with return type User, you expect return new User();, not return User;. The same way a return value of this should mean return new this(); in a static method. In non-static methods this is different, but it's clear because this is always an object, you would not be able to instantiate it. But in the end, we basically all agree that this is the best syntax because of typeof and that this feature is much needed in TS.

izatop commented 8 years ago

@xealot i understand what TypeScript doesn't allow polymorphic this, howewer I'll ask you why not add this feature to TS?

ceymard commented 8 years ago

I don't know if the following will work for all the use cases of this issue, but I have found out that using the this: type in static methods in conjunction with smart use of the type inference system allows for fun typing. It might not be incredibly readable, but it does the job without having to redefine static methods in the children classes.

Works with typescript@2.0.0

Consider the following ;

// IModelClass is just here to describe an instanciator
// since we can't use typeof T (unfortunately) with
// the generic type system.
interface IModelClass<T extends Model> {
  new (...a: any[]): T

  // unfortunately, we have to put here again all the typing information
  // of the static members (without static, since we are describing a class, not an instance)

  some_member: string
  create<T extends Model>(this: IModelClass<T>): T

class Model {

  // Here we use this with the IModel<T> to force the
  // type system to use T as our current caller.

  static some_member: string

  // When we call Dog.create() below, T is thus resolved
  // to Dog *and stays that way*
  // If typeof worked on generic types (it doesn't), we could have defined this method
  // instead as 
  // static create<T extends Model>(this: typeof T): T { ... }
  static create<T extends Model>(this: IModelClass<T>): T {
    return new this() // whatever you fancy here

class Dog extends Model {
  bark() { }

class Cat extends Model {
  meow() { }

// Everything should be typed here, and we didn't have to redefine static methods
// in Dog nor Cat
let dog = Dog.create()
let cat = Cat.create()
felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

@ceymard why is this given as a parameter?

ceymard commented 8 years ago

This is due to that was shipped with typescript 2.0.0 that allows defining a this parameter for functions (thus allowing for this use in their body without problems and to also prevent incorrect use of the functions)

It turns out that we can use them on methods as well as static method, and that it allows for really funny stuff, such as using it to "help" the type inferer by forcing it to compare the this we provide (IModel) to the one being used (Dog, or Cat). It then "guesses" the correct type for T and uses it, thus correctly typing our function.

ceymard commented 8 years ago

(Note that this is a special parameter understood by the typescript compiler, it does not add one more to the function)

felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

I thought the syntax was something like <this extends Whatever>. So this would still work if create() has other parameters?

ceymard commented 8 years ago


felixfbecker commented 8 years ago

I also wanted to point out that this is important for build-in types. When you subclass Array for example, the from() method of the subclass will return an instance of the subclass, not Array.

class Task {}
class TaskList extends Array<Task> {
  public execute() {}
// actually returns instance of TaskList at runtime
const tasks = TaskList.from([new Task()])
tasks.execute() // error, method execute does not exist on type Array
HerringtonDarkholme commented 7 years ago

I would raise some counter arguments against counter argument.

As @shlomiassaf pointed out, allowing this in static members will cause confusion because this means different thing in static method and instance method. Furthermore, this in type annotation and this in method body have different semantics. We can avoid this confusion by introducing new keyword, but the cost of a new keyword is high.

And there is easy workaround in current TypeScript. @ceymard has already shown that. And I would prefer his approach because it captures the runtime semantic of static method. Consider this code.

class A {
  constructor() {}
  static create<T extends A>(this: {new (): T}) {} // constructor signature is exactly the same as A's

class B extends A {
  constructor(a: number) {

B.create() // correctly trigger compile error here

If polymorphic this is supported, compiler should report error in class B extends A. But this is a breaking change.

HerringtonDarkholme commented 7 years ago

Why return type of this is different from the type of this in method body, then? Why does this code fail? How can you explain it to a new comer?

class A {
  static create(): this {
     return this

Why would a superset of JavaScript fail to accept this?

class A {
  static create() {
    return new this()

abstract class B extends A {}
felixfbecker commented 7 years ago

@HerringtonDarkholme Here is how I explain it to a newcomer. When you do

class A {
  static whatever(): B {
    return new B();

the return type of B means that you need to return an instance of B. If you want to return the class itself, you need to use

class B {
 static whatever(): typeof B {
   return B;

Now, just like in JavaScript, this in static members refers to the class. So if you use a return type of this in a static method, you will have to return an instance of the class:

class A {
  static whatever(): this {
    return new this();

if you want to return the class itself, you need to use typeof this:

class A {
  static whatever(): typeof this {
    return this;

that is exactly how types already work in TS since ever. If you type with a class, TS expects an instance. If you want to type for the class type itself, you need to use typeof.

HerringtonDarkholme commented 7 years ago

Then I would ask why this does not have the same meaning in the method body. If this in instance method's type annotation has the same meaning with this in its' corresponding method body, why it's not the same for static method?

We are faced with a dilemma and there are three options:

  1. make this means different things in different context (confusion)
  2. introduce a new keyword like self or static
  3. let programmer write more weird type annotation (impact some users)

I prefer the third approach because it reflects the runtime semantic of static method definition. It also spots out errors on use site, rather than define site, that is, as in this comment, the error is reported in B.create, not class B extends A. Use site error is more precise in this case. (consider you declare a static method that reference to this and then declare an abstract subclass).

And, most importantly, it does not require a language proposal for new feature.

Indeed preference differs from persons. But at least I want to see a more detailed proposal like this. There are a lot of issues to be solved like abstract class assignability, subclass incompatible constructor signatures and error report strategies.

felixfbecker commented 7 years ago

@HerringtonDarkholme Because in the case of instance methods, runtime this is an object instance and not a class, so there is no space for confusion. It is clear that the type this is literally the runtime this, there is no other option. While in the static case it behaves like any other class annotation in any object oriented programming language: annotate it with a class, and you expect an instance back. Plus in TS case, because in JavaScript classes are objects too, type it with typeof a class and you get the literal class back.

I mean it would probably have been more consistent when back then when they implemented this return type to also think about the static case and instead require users to always write typeof this for instance methods. But that decision was made back then so we gotta work with it now, and as I said it doesn't really leave any room for confusion because this in instance methods does not produce any other type (unlike classes, who have a static type and an instance type), so it is distinct in that case and will not confuse anyone.

HerringtonDarkholme commented 7 years ago

OK, let's just assume no one will be confused by this. How about abstract class assignability?

aluanhaddad commented 7 years ago

The staticness of methods is somewhat arbitrary. Any function can have properties and methods. If it can also be called with new, we choose to call these properties and methods static. Now this convention has been firmly cemented into ECMAScript.

@HerringtonDarkholme you are no doubt correct that the use of this would cause confusion. However, since there is nothing incorrect about using this I would say it is perfectly fine, especially when taking into account your astute cost benefit analysis of the various alternatives. I think this is the least bad alternative.

xealot commented 7 years ago

I just tried to catch up on this thread from my original post, I feel like maybe this has gotten off track a little bit.

To clarify, the desire is for the this type annotation to be polymorphic when used in the constructor, specifically as a generic/template. With respect to @shlomiassaf and @HerringtonDarkholme I believe the example with static methods can be confusing and it is not the intent of this issue.

Even though it's not often thought of as such, the constructor of a class is static. The example (which I will repost with more clarifying comments) is not declaring this on a static method, it is instead declaring this for future use via a generic in the type annotation of a static method.

The distinction being that I don't want this computed immediately on a static method, but in the future in a dynamic one.

// Constrains the constructor to one that creates things that extend from BaseModel
interface ModelConstructor<T extends BaseModel> {
    new(fac: ModelAPI<T>): T;

class ModelAPI<T extends BaseModel> {
    // skipping the use of a ModelConstructor in favor of typeof does not work
    // constructor(private modelType: typeof T) {}
    constructor(private modelType: ModelConstructor<T>) {}

    create() {
        return new this.modelType(this);

class BaseModel {
    // This is where "polymorphic `this`" in static members matters. We are 
    // trying to say that the ModelAPI should create instances of whatever 
    // the *current* class is, not the BaseModel class. Much like it would 
    // at runtime.
    constructor(private fac: ModelAPI<this>) {}

    reload() {
        // `reload()` returns a new instance of type Any, incorrect
        return this.fac.create();

// Create a custom model class with custom behavior
class Model extends BaseModel {}

// Create an instance of the model API that produces my custom type
let api = new ModelAPI<Model>(Model);  // ModalAPI should be able to infer "<Model>" from the constructor?
let modelInst = api.create();  // Returns type of Model, correct
let reset = modelInst.reload();  // Returns type of Any, incorrect

To anyone that thinks this is confusing, well, it's not super straight forward I agree. However, the use of this in the BaseModel's constructor isn't really a static use, it's a deferred use to be computed later. However, static methods (including the constructor) don't operate that way.

I think at runtime this all works as expected. However the type system is incapable of modeling this particular pattern. The inability for typescript to model a javascript pattern is the basis for why this issue is open.

Sorry if this is a confusing comment, written in haste.

felixfbecker commented 7 years ago

@xealot I get your point, but other issues that specifically suggested polymorphic this for static methods got closed as a duplicate of this one. I assume the fix in TS would enable both use cases.