microsoft / USBuildingFootprints

Computer generated building footprints for the United States
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Extract polygons for a specific city from State GeoJson #74

Closed tljstewart closed 2 years ago

tljstewart commented 2 years ago

Is there anyway to just extract specific state areas of polygons say for example for a City, FIPS code, Census Block Group, Region or any other?

For a concrete example; say for Florida you want polygons for Miami-Dade, the polygons in the GeoJson don't seem to have any specific order in the file, is there anyway to just get polygons for Miami-Dade?

andwoi commented 2 years ago

There are a couple tools you can use to extract for a specific AOI. Some that come to mind are SQL Server, QGIS, GeoPandas, and Spark + Sedona. You can increase performance by constructing a spatial index or using quad keys. Hope that helps. We don't have plans to create smaller partitions.