microsoft / UniSpeech

UniSpeech - Large Scale Self-Supervised Learning for Speech
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Unispeech-SAT fairseq code #20

Closed RuslanSel closed 2 years ago

RuslanSel commented 2 years ago


From UniSpeech/downstreams/speaker_diarization/ For UniSpeech-SAT large, we should install the Unispeech-SAT fairseq code.

Where can I find the Unispeech-SAT fairseq code?

Thanks in advance.

cywang97 commented 2 years ago

@RuslanSel Hi, we have re-organized the repo. Currently, Unispeech(-SAT) and WavLM are sharing the same fairseq codebase. You can install fairseq in src/ directory by running: pip install --editable ./

RuslanSel commented 2 years ago

Thanks. pip install --editable ./ gives gcc: error: fairseq/clib/libbleu/libbleu.cpp: No such file or directory. There is fairseq/clib directory in the, but not in the

MarkWuNLP commented 2 years ago

@RuslanSel We wrongly deleted these files in code refinement. I just added these files back.

RuslanSel commented 2 years ago
