microsoft / VFSForGit

Virtual File System for Git: Enable Git at Enterprise Scale
MIT License
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Change GVFS name #72

Open sanoursa opened 6 years ago

sanoursa commented 6 years ago

We’ve heard the feedback, so lets use this issue to come up with a new name for this project. As we all know, folks from Microsoft don’t have a rich tradition of picking super awesome names for things. I'm no exception to that pattern, so I was thinking we could all put some sensible suggestions into this issue. I’ll then compile a short list and then we’ll all get to vote on the new name.

Some guidelines:

  1. No Git - As discussed, we don’t want it to be GitName or things like that – we don’t want to mess with Git’s name and the fact that it is vendor agnostic.
  2. Short and welcoming - It has to be a nice welcoming word in most languages (sorry – while PoopVFS might elicit a giggle, it won't make the cut when I go to meetings with the Windows team with that in my slide deck. Also it needs to not contain special characters so M$FT is a no go as well)
  3. Descriptive - Something that sort of sounds descriptive for how GVFS works would be awesome. If you leave the naming up to me I’ve already proven it will turn into an acronym and the point of this is to have a name we love. Ideally a word that you can type into a search bar and get to our project would be good, so it probably shouldn't be a real word - but sounds like one.

I'll put my thinking cap on and start putting some stuff in here, but please add your ideas. Making the name change won't be as simple as doing s/gvfs/newname/g so I'll need to do some stuff once we pick a name, but I'm excited to try to come up with something cool.

illwieckz commented 6 years ago

Nice! :tada: that's very appreciated! don't forget there is some scripts there to help you to rename to whatever you want: :beers:

Good luck for the deployment with a so-deeply established component of your development environment :smirk: it would have been easier before :wink: :kissing_heart:

HollisTech commented 6 years ago

sparse versioning file system spvfs

ArnCarveris commented 6 years ago

sparse virtual repository system - svrs

wilbaker commented 6 years ago

ProjSC - Projected Source Control

mvastola commented 6 years ago

@sanoursa, I really appreciate that MS has heard open source devs and has reconsidered it's decision here.

I'm sort of confused on your first point though (purely for the purposes of helping you brainstorm). Could you clarify?

Having read #7, it's not quite clear what the issue is and thus what you're trying to avoid (unless I missed something). Do you no longer want to have a 'g' in the name at all (referring to git) or are you saying simply that the word 'git' can't be spelled out in the name?

I'm kind of thrown by the 'vendor agnostic' thing. Are you trying to say the intent is to make this name agnostic to the source control management solution being used? Or are you saying that git works on multiple OSes where this does not (and you don't want that confusion)? Or both?

mohitt commented 6 years ago

What about simply vfsg = virtual file system for git

turtlewit commented 6 years ago

What about VGFS - Virtual Git File System - to keep the "FS" at the end?

ronelm2000 commented 6 years ago

GNTFS = GNTFS is Not a True File System (or Git Nondescript Tree-traversal File System)

sam0x17 commented 6 years ago

Really appreciate the cooperation from Microsoft here. It is very unexpected.

I'm partial to RVFS / Repository Virtual File System. Google search seems to be pretty open on that one.

sam0x17 commented 6 years ago

Sparse is a good word to include here as it evokes exactly what this does

sam0x17 commented 6 years ago

also: Sparse Virtual File System (SVFS) Large Repository File System (LRFS)

karlkfi commented 6 years ago

Not because I have any idea what's going on here, but mostly just because naming is fun...

GhostFS, VirtualFS, ProxyFS, LazyFS, and SparseFS are all taken, along with most of the good acronyms.

ilovemicrosoft commented 6 years ago

It is too late. @sanoursa you hurt Microsoft already.

However, i think this is a good lesson of how to ask for embracing from open source communities.

GeeLaw commented 6 years ago

Wondering what you would do with the executable name. I suppose Microsoft puts weight on backward compatibility, but keeping the executable name gvfs will not eliminate confusion with GVfs.

By the way, is the renaming/rebranding department kicking in?

pvanhoof commented 6 years ago

Versioned Sparse File System. vsfs. But @HollisTech's suggestion also sounds great.

MacSlow commented 6 years ago

How about "greifs" as in "git revisioned ellaborate impecable file system"? I admit the abbreviation is much nicer than the whole thing spelled out.

chingc commented 6 years ago

Just call it GitFS. It doesn't have to explicitly say Virtual. That'll be mentioned in the docs.

dat1965 commented 6 years ago

How about just TSFS? (Terabyte Scale File System)

nackstein commented 6 years ago

I suggest: MDDKASALFS my developers doesn't know a s*** about linux file system

archisgore commented 6 years ago

I second TSVS. Your VSTS TFS team might like that too. :-) Even uses all the same characters.

d2a-raudenaerde commented 6 years ago


For: Enterprise Repository File System.

Also Entre meaning something like 'in between' in French, and this file system will exist between all nodes :)

dorgonman commented 6 years ago

Asynchronous Immediate Repository(AIR)

krk commented 6 years ago

Filey McFileface

somethingweird commented 6 years ago

THVFS - Team Hub Virtual File System

GreatSnoopy commented 6 years ago

vfs4g - vfs for git

martinmcwhorter commented 6 years ago

VVFS Versioned Virtual File System

stuaxo commented 6 years ago


wpostma commented 6 years ago

How about Dolly VFS, dolly as the executable name. First Dolly was a sheep, who was a clone, not a real sheep. Secondly, a movers Dolly lets you move large objects around easily, that would be too large to move around without help. That's kind of what this thing does. Ergo, Dolly.

Redline99 commented 6 years ago

vfs4g - vfs for git

steveetm commented 6 years ago

GNG - GNG's not GVFS

jdshewey commented 6 years ago

If you want to emphasize a tie-in with Visual Studio, VSFS - Visual Studio File System or something like VisualFS

guilt commented 6 years ago


So that we don't need a new name but get one anyway.

ethomson commented 6 years ago


The Git project’s trademark guidelines would ask us not to use a portmanteau of “GitFoo” (or in this case, “GitVFS”). The line between portmanteau and command (eg, git-foo) can get blurry and a case could be made here that this is a command, I think that we should err on the side of caution here.

Kovaelin commented 6 years ago

Do people prefer to use "file system" or "filesystem" nowadays? I thought the easiest thing would have just been to simply drop the S. Oh well.

How about Creator Virtual File System (CreatorVF)? Creator Virtual Version Control (CVVC) for symmetry? Visual Virtual Version Control (VVVC)? V3C? That last one might already be taken. You could also jump on that "Lite" train and throw that in somewhere.

QuasarSE commented 6 years ago


Repository Sparse File System or "reps" for short.

migueldeicaza commented 6 years ago

The readme states “GVFS is Git Virtual File System”, I think the no-Git prefix needs to be revisited. It deserves to be caller GitVfs

sanoursa commented 6 years ago

@ethomson for the sake of argument, what if we go with git-vfs for the executable name, meaning our CLI tool actually becomes a custom git command? The usage would then be "git vfs clone", "git vfs mount", etc. If that CLI approach is acceptable, then GitVFS could be a name to consider.

And thanks to everyone for all the naming suggestions. Keep them coming!

dicom commented 6 years ago

HUBFS (short for Hub File System - reflecting you investment in github)

sanoursa commented 6 years ago

Best name I've come up with so far is OmFS - short for O(modified), as in OmFS makes your git commands run in O(modified files) time rather than O(all files) time.

bstemshorn commented 6 years ago

Microsoft Git File Systems MGFS, MSGFS, or MSG

Ken-g6 commented 6 years ago

MiGFS - the Microsoft Git File System. Fast as a fighter jet!

ethomson commented 6 years ago

If that CLI approach is acceptable, then GitVFS could be a name to consider.

My reading of the trademark guidelines suggest that this puts us into the command slash framework grey area with Git LFS. I’d love it if @peff could explain a little more about this category of usage.

Wyvern commented 6 years ago

Just MS Git => MSG, represents Microsoft + Git

gjsman commented 6 years ago

MGVFS = Microsoft Git Virtual File System

Just add Microsoft to the name. Problem solved.

akrantz commented 6 years ago

I'd like to suggest using the term "on-demand" so that the protocol could look like:
GET /on-demand/objects/{objectId}
POST /on-demand/objects

From this, you could have names such as: ODFS On-Demand File System GOODFS Get/Git Objects On-Demand File System GOOFS Get Objects On-demand File System

ibakirov commented 6 years ago

I suggest name Flatus. Easy to use in CLI and there is no ugly FS, GIT prefix crap

Aokromes commented 6 years ago

VFSFG (Virtual File System For Git)

net-cat commented 6 years ago

How about LazyFS?

That's basically what it is. Lazy loading of files from an alternate source.

petersilva commented 6 years ago

Various versions of modfs, and/or MojangFS



illwieckz commented 6 years ago

The lack of imagination is impressive. :scream: No one said it must be an acronym. :wink: No one said it must contain File System. :wink: No one proposed a name, well, no one until one of the previous comment posted while I was typing. :sweat_smile:

That's why I propose Phreatic. :arrow_left: :arrow_left: :arrow_left:

Microsoft has a long history with common nouns as product names: Windows, Word… And Phreatic fits well the idea of an underlying repository you draw from. :fountain: And the Phreatic name goes well with Surface and Azure names. :ok_hand:

If you like it, paypal me :grin: :dollar: