microsoft / VS-PPT

Productivity Power Tools - a set of Visual Studio extensions improving developer productivity.
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Standalone Time Stamp Margin does not work in VS2017 RTM #97

Open ktos opened 7 years ago

ktos commented 7 years ago

Just installed VS 2017 Community RTM and now standalone Time Stamp Margin, and there is unfortunately no effect.

All options are available in Tools -> Options ->Productivity Power Tools, but nothing is show in Output window.

I tried turning the option off and on again, but it not fixed this ;-)

gigios commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue!

olegtk commented 7 years ago

Hmmm, it works ok for me. Note that this extension only adds timestamp to the Debug Output Window pane.

gigios commented 7 years ago

Ok! Probably I have found the problem! In my case I have also the extension VSColorOutput to 'decorate' the debug output lines. If I disable this extension I'm able to show the Time Stamp Margin, if I re-enable the extension the margin disappears.

The VSColorOutput has a similar functionality but I prefer the Time Stamp Margin. Probably when this function is disabled i the extension, also other extensions are not able to add the margin on the output window. I will try to send the same question to the developer of the VSColorOutput.

AdamDotNet commented 7 years ago

gigios is right, Time Stamp Margin does not work when VSColorOutput is installed. I really like having both, I hope something can be worked out.

justcla commented 7 years ago

Until a fix is delivered, I recommend using the TimeStamp margin feature built into VSColorOutput as a workaround.

"As of VSColorOutput 2.2.1 you can optionally show timestamps in your output."


AdamDotNet commented 7 years ago

@justcla That's true, and I have turned it on. I guess I'm just used to Power Tools' format/behavior more. The formats used by VSColorOutput and Power Tools each have their pros and cons. :)

metablaster commented 4 years ago

I want to add that even after disabling VSColorOutput the stand alone timestamp margin didn't work for me.

VS 16.5.4