microsoft / WSL

Issues found on WSL
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File missing after command "wsl --update" showing "WSL is finishing an ugrade... Update failed (exit code:1603) Error code:Wsl/CallMsi/E_ABORT" #10651

Closed ChenLiangYin closed 10 months ago

ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

Today I want to check the volume of my virtual machine. Therefore, I just want to update my wsl. However, it shows the message "WSL is finishing an ugrade... Update failed (exit code:1603) Error code:Wsl/CallMsi/E_ABORT" which seems unable to update. However, after that, my virtual machine and all of my files on it were gone. I am using the Ubuntu 20.04

OneBlue commented 11 months ago

Thank you for reporting this @ChenLiangYin. Which version of WSL are you running ? What's the output of wsl --version ?

ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your reply! In fact I am looking for some solutions in and I uninstalled the app I just installed (windows subsystem for linux). And the linux distribution has come back. However, if I open the vscode with wsl. It fails to connect to the wsl.

I think I am in wsl2. "wsl --version" shows "invalid command line option --version". I still remember I have two wsl.exe in the past when checking "where wsl". The wsl under system32 is 10.0.22621.2483

OneBlue commented 11 months ago

It looks like you reverted to inbox wsl. Can you try to run wsl --update and see if that solves the issue ?

OneBlue commented 11 months ago

If you install WSL > 2.0 again, can you collect logs during the installation so we can see where the issue is ?


ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

Requires -RunAsAdministrator

[CmdletBinding()] Param ( $LogProfile = $null, [switch]$Dump = $false )

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

$folder = "WslLogs-" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") mkdir -p $folder

if ($LogProfile -eq $null) { $LogProfile = "$folder/wsl.wprp" try { Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -OutFile $LogProfile } catch { throw } }

reg.exe export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss $folder/HKCU.txt reg.exe export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss $folder/HKLM.txt reg.exe export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\P9NP $folder/P9NP.txt reg.exe export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2 $folder/Winsock2.txt

$wslconfig = "$env:USERPROFILE/.wslconfig" if (Test-Path $wslconfig) { Copy-Item $wslconfig $folder }

get-appxpackage MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemforLinux > $folder/appxpackage.txt get-acl "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsApps" -ErrorAction Ignore | Format-List > $folder/acl.txt Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online > $folder/optional-components.txt bcdedit.exe > $folder/bcdedit.txt

$wprOutputLog = "$folder/wpr.txt"

wpr.exe -start $LogProfile -filemode 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog if ($LastExitCode -Ne 0) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Log collection failed to start (exit code: $LastExitCode), trying to reset it." wpr.exe -cancel 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog

wpr.exe -start $LogProfile -filemode 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog
if ($LastExitCode -Ne 0)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Couldn't start log collection (exitCode: $LastExitCode)"


try { Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green "Log collection is running. Please reproduce the problem and press any key to save the logs."

$KeysToIgnore =
      16,  # Shift (left or right)
      17,  # Ctrl (left or right)
      18,  # Alt (left or right)
      20,  # Caps lock
      91,  # Windows key (left)
      92,  # Windows key (right)
      93,  # Menu key
      144, # Num lock
      145, # Scroll lock
      166, # Back
      167, # Forward
      168, # Refresh
      169, # Stop
      170, # Search
      171, # Favorites
      172, # Start/Home
      173, # Mute
      174, # Volume Down
      175, # Volume Up
      176, # Next Track
      177, # Previous Track
      178, # Stop Media
      179, # Play
      180, # Mail
      181, # Select Media
      182, # Application 1
      183  # Application 2

$Key = $null
while ($Key -Eq $null -Or $Key.VirtualKeyCode -Eq $null -Or $KeysToIgnore -Contains $Key.VirtualKeyCode)
    $Key = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown')

Write-Host "`nSaving logs..."

} finally { wpr.exe -stop $folder/logs.etl 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog }

if ($Dump) { $Assembly = [PSObject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.WindowsErrorReporting') $DumpMethod = $Assembly.GetNestedType('NativeMethods', 'NonPublic').GetMethod('MiniDumpWriteDump', [Reflection.BindingFlags] 'NonPublic, Static')

$dumpFolder = Join-Path (Resolve-Path "$folder") dumps
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "$dumpFolder"

$executables = "wsl", "wslservice", "wslhost", "msrdc"
foreach($process in Get-Process | Where-Object { $executables -contains $_.ProcessName})
    $dumpFile =  "$dumpFolder/$($process.ProcessName).$($process.Id).dmp"
    Write-Host "Writing $($dumpFile)"

    $OutputFile = New-Object IO.FileStream($dumpFile, [IO.FileMode]::Create)

    $Result = $DumpMethod.Invoke($null, @($process.Handle,
                                          [UInt32] 2,

    if (-not $Result)
        Write-Host "Failed to write dump for: $($dumpFile)"


Collect networking state relevant for WSL

Using a try/catch for commands below, as some of them do not exist on all OS versions

Write-Host "`nCollecting additional network state..."

$networkingFolder = "$folder/networking" mkdir -p $networkingFolder

Host networking info

try { Get-NetAdapter -includeHidden | select Name,ifIndex,NetLuid,InterfaceGuid,Status,MacAddress,MtuSize,InterfaceType,Hidden,HardwareInterface,ConnectorPresent,MediaType,PhysicalMediaType | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetAdapter.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetIPConfiguration -All -Detailed | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetIPConfiguration.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMCreator | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMCreator.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMSetting -PolicyStore ActiveStore | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMSetting_ActiveStore.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVProfile -PolicyStore ActiveStore | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVProfile_ActiveStore.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVPort | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVPort.log" -Append } catch {}

try { & hnsdiag.exe list all 2>&1 > $networkingFolder/hnsdiag_list_all.log } catch {}

try { & hnsdiag.exe list endpoints -df 2>&1 > $networkingFolder/hnsdiag_list_endpoints.log } catch {}

try { foreach ($port in Get-NetFirewallHyperVPort) { & vfpctrl.exe /port $port.PortName /get-port-state 2>&1 > "$networkingFolder/vfp-port-$($port.PortName)-get-port-state.log" & vfpctrl.exe /port $port.PortName /list-rule 2>&1 > "$networkingFolder/vfp-port-$($port.PortName)-list-rule.log" } } catch {}

try { & vfpctrl.exe /list-vmswitch-port 2>&1 > $networkingFolder/vfpctrl_list_vmswitch_port.log } catch {}

$logArchive = "$(Resolve-Path $folder).zip" Compress-Archive -Path $folder -DestinationPath $logArchive Remove-Item $folder -Recurse

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Logs saved in: $logArchive. Please attach that file to the GitHub issue."

ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

Actually I have found the the ubuntu folder in %localappdata% where the ext4 still exists. It seems like those files are still intact. However, I don't know why after uninstalling the apps I still couldn't connect wsl.

ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

It looks like you reverted to inbox wsl. Can you try to run wsl --update and see if that solves the issue ?

No, the problem still exists even if I push the repair button. If there anyway to repair and restore my original wsl? or I have to shutdown the original one and create a new one with the original ext4. I just copied it to other disk.

OneBlue commented 11 months ago

Does manually installing the latest release solve the issue ?

ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

I am installing it manually. But it shows "WSL service could not be installed. Verify you have sufficient privileges to install system services". But I am administer...

OneBlue commented 11 months ago

Can you collect logs during the install ?


ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

Requires -RunAsAdministrator

[CmdletBinding()] Param ( $LogProfile = $null, [switch]$Dump = $false )

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

$folder = "WslLogs-" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") mkdir -p $folder

if ($LogProfile -eq $null) { $LogProfile = "$folder/wsl.wprp" try { Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -OutFile $LogProfile } catch { throw } }

reg.exe export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss $folder/HKCU.txt reg.exe export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss $folder/HKLM.txt reg.exe export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\P9NP $folder/P9NP.txt reg.exe export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2 $folder/Winsock2.txt

$wslconfig = "$env:USERPROFILE/.wslconfig" if (Test-Path $wslconfig) { Copy-Item $wslconfig $folder }

get-appxpackage MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemforLinux > $folder/appxpackage.txt get-acl "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsApps" -ErrorAction Ignore | Format-List > $folder/acl.txt Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online > $folder/optional-components.txt bcdedit.exe > $folder/bcdedit.txt

$wprOutputLog = "$folder/wpr.txt"

wpr.exe -start $LogProfile -filemode 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog if ($LastExitCode -Ne 0) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Log collection failed to start (exit code: $LastExitCode), trying to reset it." wpr.exe -cancel 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog

wpr.exe -start $LogProfile -filemode 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog
if ($LastExitCode -Ne 0)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Couldn't start log collection (exitCode: $LastExitCode)"


try { Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green "Log collection is running. Please reproduce the problem and press any key to save the logs."

$KeysToIgnore =
      16,  # Shift (left or right)
      17,  # Ctrl (left or right)
      18,  # Alt (left or right)
      20,  # Caps lock
      91,  # Windows key (left)
      92,  # Windows key (right)
      93,  # Menu key
      144, # Num lock
      145, # Scroll lock
      166, # Back
      167, # Forward
      168, # Refresh
      169, # Stop
      170, # Search
      171, # Favorites
      172, # Start/Home
      173, # Mute
      174, # Volume Down
      175, # Volume Up
      176, # Next Track
      177, # Previous Track
      178, # Stop Media
      179, # Play
      180, # Mail
      181, # Select Media
      182, # Application 1
      183  # Application 2

$Key = $null
while ($Key -Eq $null -Or $Key.VirtualKeyCode -Eq $null -Or $KeysToIgnore -Contains $Key.VirtualKeyCode)
    $Key = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown')

Write-Host "`nSaving logs..."

} finally { wpr.exe -stop $folder/logs.etl 2>&1 >> $wprOutputLog }

if ($Dump) { $Assembly = [PSObject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.WindowsErrorReporting') $DumpMethod = $Assembly.GetNestedType('NativeMethods', 'NonPublic').GetMethod('MiniDumpWriteDump', [Reflection.BindingFlags] 'NonPublic, Static')

$dumpFolder = Join-Path (Resolve-Path "$folder") dumps
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "$dumpFolder"

$executables = "wsl", "wslservice", "wslhost", "msrdc"
foreach($process in Get-Process | Where-Object { $executables -contains $_.ProcessName})
    $dumpFile =  "$dumpFolder/$($process.ProcessName).$($process.Id).dmp"
    Write-Host "Writing $($dumpFile)"

    $OutputFile = New-Object IO.FileStream($dumpFile, [IO.FileMode]::Create)

    $Result = $DumpMethod.Invoke($null, @($process.Handle,
                                          [UInt32] 2,

    if (-not $Result)
        Write-Host "Failed to write dump for: $($dumpFile)"


Collect networking state relevant for WSL

Using a try/catch for commands below, as some of them do not exist on all OS versions

Write-Host "`nCollecting additional network state..."

$networkingFolder = "$folder/networking" mkdir -p $networkingFolder

Host networking info

try { Get-NetAdapter -includeHidden | select Name,ifIndex,NetLuid,InterfaceGuid,Status,MacAddress,MtuSize,InterfaceType,Hidden,HardwareInterface,ConnectorPresent,MediaType,PhysicalMediaType | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetAdapter.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetIPConfiguration -All -Detailed | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetIPConfiguration.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMCreator | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMCreator.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMSetting -PolicyStore ActiveStore | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVVMSetting_ActiveStore.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVProfile -PolicyStore ActiveStore | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVProfile_ActiveStore.log" -Append } catch {}

try { Get-NetFirewallHyperVPort | Out-File -FilePath "$networkingFolder/Get-NetFirewallHyperVPort.log" -Append } catch {}

try { & hnsdiag.exe list all 2>&1 > $networkingFolder/hnsdiag_list_all.log } catch {}

try { & hnsdiag.exe list endpoints -df 2>&1 > $networkingFolder/hnsdiag_list_endpoints.log } catch {}

try { foreach ($port in Get-NetFirewallHyperVPort) { & vfpctrl.exe /port $port.PortName /get-port-state 2>&1 > "$networkingFolder/vfp-port-$($port.PortName)-get-port-state.log" & vfpctrl.exe /port $port.PortName /list-rule 2>&1 > "$networkingFolder/vfp-port-$($port.PortName)-list-rule.log" } } catch {}

try { & vfpctrl.exe /list-vmswitch-port 2>&1 > $networkingFolder/vfpctrl_list_vmswitch_port.log } catch {}

$logArchive = "$(Resolve-Path $folder).zip" Compress-Archive -Path $folder -DestinationPath $logArchive Remove-Item $folder -Recurse

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Logs saved in: $logArchive. Please attach that file to the GitHub issue."

OneBlue commented 11 months ago

You need to run the script and upload the file it produces, this is just the content of the script.


ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

Sorry I see. This is another previous log file I have when installing wsl

ChenLiangYin commented 11 months ago

You need to run the script and upload the file it produces, this is just the content of the script.


I found out the solution now. I install a new distribution Ubuntu-22.04 now and replace its ext4 file with my previous one (on ubuntu20.04) and it works! All the files and data got restored. And I can open it on vscode. However, I am not sure if there is any problem when doing this way.

Now I feel like I should store the files on my mnt/ not on the virtual machine.

benhillis commented 10 months ago

Fixed with