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Error code: Wsl/Service/CreateInstance/CreateVm/ConfigureNetworking/HNS/0x80070424 #10778

Open sigit2 opened 7 months ago

sigit2 commented 7 months ago

Windows Version

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.2715]

WSL Version

WSL version:

Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2?

Kernel Version

Distro Version

Debian 12

Other Software

No response

Repro Steps

Try and start a new Debian session.

Expected Behavior

New window starts and left at command prompt.

Actual Behavior

Failed to configure network (networkingMode Nat). To disable networking, set wsl2.networkingMode=None in C:\Users\mwind.wslconfig Error code: Wsl/Service/CreateInstance/CreateVm/ConfigureNetworking/HNS/0x80070424 wsl2_no_start

[process exited with code 4294967295 (0xffffffff)] You can now close this terminal with Ctrl+D, or press Enter to restart.

If I uninstall the wsl update, then Debian starts without error.

Diagnostic Logs

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

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Sprokket commented 7 months ago

Still an issue for me

jsanchezba commented 7 months ago

@Sprokket This worked for me without having to reinstall nor losing projects or configuration:

keith-horton commented 7 months ago

The OS feature "Virtual Machine Platform" is not installed (only Hyper-V optional features are installed). Can you go through optional components to install it?

FeatureName : VirtualMachinePlatform State : Disabled


sigit2 commented 7 months ago

The OS feature "Virtual Machine Platform" is not installed (only Hyper-V optional features are installed). Can you go through optional components to install it?

FeatureName : VirtualMachinePlatform State : Disabled


I've installed Virtual Machine Platform, and updated WSL. Seems to have fixed the issue. Not a very user-friendly error message, when it could have just said "install Virtual Machine Platform".

bing-zhub commented 5 months ago

I have updated the windwos 11 pro to 23h2, and also update the wsl to The VMP and Hyper-V are also installed, but the wsl still not working.

(base) PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> wsl
Failed to configure network (networkingMode Nat). To disable networking, set `wsl2.networkingMode=None` in C:\Users\lab\.wslconfig
Error code: Wsl/Service/CreateInstance/CreateVm/ConfigureNetworking/HNS/0xffffffff

Please help me out! Thanks!

keith-horton commented 5 months ago

If you are hitting issues, please collect traces for us to be able to troubleshoot:

dong9205 commented 3 months ago

为了使电脑有更好的性能,我尝试关闭了Windows Defender Firewall,遇到了这个错误,可以使用命令进行修复

REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MpsSvc" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f