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WSL2-Linux-Kernel Headers #11557

Closed raheel103 closed 3 weeks ago

raheel103 commented 1 month ago

I would like Headers installation option in WSL2-Linux-Kernel , I'm trying to install a module (v4l2loopback) and it requires headers installed at /lib/modules/ . I searched online and they say wsl2 msft linux kernel doesn't come with headers , will normal linux headers from apt work?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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zcobol commented 1 month ago

@raheel103 you need to match the headers with the current running kernel. The easy way is to get the WSL kernel source from, run make headers_install and supply the correct INSTALL_HDR_PATH. It defaults to INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/usr so the kernel headers will be dropped in /usr/include. See details at

You'll most likely need to build an external module, and the procedure is at

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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