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wsl.exe fails with "Access is denied" #4920

Open john-vaudin opened 4 years ago

john-vaudin commented 4 years ago

After uninstalling an re-installing Windows Subsystem for Linux I can't install any distro - they all fail with "Access is denied". Even running wsl.exe now fails with "Access is denied".

Your Windows build number: (Type ver at a Windows Command Prompt)

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.657]

Steps to reproduce

> wsl.exe Access is denied

Strace and logs attached.


willemdh commented 4 years ago

I seem to ahve the same issue... Although I can start ubuntu when I open it from the store, executing wsl always results in " Access is denied".

hv1pr0 commented 4 years ago

Same over here.

Switched from WSL 1 to WSL 2. After rebooting I got an Access is denied. Later I found that I didn't have Windows Version 2004, Build 19041 install but only 1909 Build 18363.720.

So I removed WSL from Windows Features, reboot, and activated WSL again with the effect that I get an "Access is denied" in PS being Admin but runs without Admin. However, I'm stuck now since I can no longer use wsl.exe being Admin nor revert to any previous state.

AllanOricil commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. I followed these steps And got stucked in the part I had to switch to version 2. I can't simply run wsl because windwos always say Access Denied

juanBcn commented 4 years ago

Same problem, any update or fix?

juanBcn commented 4 years ago

Fixed, modify permisions on WindowsApps folder work for me.

gujx2017 commented 4 years ago

Fixed, modify permisions on WindowsApps folder work for me.

I have the same problem, and have't fix it yet. Could you please to describe in detail of your operation?

cforce commented 4 years ago

same here. please provide a fix

amstas commented 4 years ago

Had the same issue when running as admin, when running without it WSL works fine. try it.

codemonkey33 commented 4 years ago

Also got past this with WindowsApps folder permissions. You need to change the owner of this folder so you can get access to it. Try this link (ignoring the stupid download an app version 1 of course :)

richardso21 commented 4 years ago

~@codemonkey33 has the solution that worked just fine for me. I still had the problem even when I had imported my ubuntu outside of the WindowsApps folder, weird...~

EDIT: @rosea-tf has pinpointed the bug below. It only happens once wsl is shutdown by itself. You'll have to access wsl as admin and then you'll have access again.

nimamahmoudi commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue here. Is there any way we can do something similar to what @codemonkey33 is suggesting, but without the registry tweaking and only for WSL (not the whole windows apps folder)?

nimamahmoudi commented 4 years ago

Weird thing, I just launched Ubuntu from Windows Store, then ran wsl from cmd (running as administrator), and all of a sudden it seems like everything is working fine. Even in cmd without administrator privileges, or from Windows Terminal (which is where my issue started).

rosea-tf commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue on an Ubuntu installation imported from a TAR file to a custom location. I already have access to the WindowsApps folder; this doesn't help.

Running as a regular user: I get the "Access Denied" message when trying to start wsl.exe. Running as Administrator": wsl.exe works to .start the distro running. I can then use it either as admin or as a regular user (via wsl.exe, Windows Terminal, VS Code...) However, if the distro shuts down (e.g. via wsl.exe --shutdown), then I lose my ability to connect as a regular user, and have to run wsl.exe as admin again.

Problem seems to have appeared with Windows Update KB4565503 earlier this week.

EDIT: After uninstalling KB4565503, the problem disappears.

richardso21 commented 4 years ago

Can confirm the specific update (KB4565503) was the issue. wsl now works perfectly and doesn't say access denied.

nimamahmoudi commented 4 years ago

Same here, uninstalling KB4565503 fixed the issue. Everything is back to normal.

ojacques commented 4 years ago

Issue #5605 has a possible "permanent" fix for the issue triggered by KB4565503.

aslamdoctor commented 4 years ago

Same here. Just updated Win 10 yesterday and now my WSL2 throws "Access denied" but if you run terminal as administrator and then go to wsl, it works.

dacarey commented 4 years ago

Just to +1 to comments by other about KB4565503 as a root cause for this

i.e. I had the same issue, with "access is denied" being returned on wsl commands. Having now uninstalled KB4565503 the problem is resolved.

nimamahmoudi commented 4 years ago

After uninstalling KB4565503, updates automatically install it again. Is there a permanent fix for this issue?

rosea-tf commented 4 years ago

After uninstalling KB4565503, updates automatically install it again. Is there a permanent fix for this issue?

Yes - grant your user account full control over the .vhdx file. See

nimamahmoudi commented 4 years ago

After uninstalling KB4565503, updates automatically install it again. Is there a permanent fix for this issue?

Yes - grant your user account full control over the .vhdx file. See

Thanks! It worked!

mroma82 commented 3 years ago

After uninstalling KB4565503, updates automatically install it again. Is there a permanent fix for this issue?

Yes - grant your user account full control over the .vhdx file. See

Thank you - this worked for me!

jwsinner commented 3 years ago

I experienced this issue when Docker stopped unexpectedly.

PowerShell would either return that I didn't have permission (when run outside Administrator) or Access Denied (when run as Administrator. In a command prompt I was getting Access Denied when trying to run wsl, but was still able to run wsl --help.

If you are able to run wsl --help and get information back, you should be able to do the following:

  1. Run wsl --list --verbose to get a list of distros
  2. wsl --shutdown
  3. wsl --unregister [distro name listed from step 1]

Then I had located ext4.vhdx and deleted the folders in AppData that contained this file (Mine was Docker). If you can't delete it because it says it is open in System, restart and you should be able to delete it. After it's deleted, you should have access to wsl in PowerShell and cmd and be able to reinstall the distro you deleted.

kashif-khan commented 3 years ago

I too have this issue but in my case, McAfee endpoint security is installed on my machine and it is blocking me to run it. In the McAfee endpoint security, the below message was posted. The windows update KB4565503 is NOT installed on my machine.

[MyUsername] ran C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe, which attempted to access the process LxssManagerProxyStub.dll, violating the rule "Executing Windows Subsystem for Linux", and was blocked. For information about how to respond to this event, see KB85494.

I found the resolution from the below source. Source:

Wolvverine commented 3 years ago

Disable compress and encryption for this folder


kousu commented 3 years ago

I had already installed Ubuntu on my machine a while ago. Today I found I could not start it:

i. Trying to click "Ubuntu" in the Start Menu would appear to not react, ii. trying to start it from cmd.exe would exit immediately.

What did work, was to start cmd.exe or powershell.exe as Administrator and run wsl from there:

C:\Windows\system32> wsl
root@DESKTOP-XXXXX:~# uname -a
Linux DESKTOP-XXXX 4.4.0-18362-Microsoft #1049-Microsoft Thu Aug 14 12:01:00 PST 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@DESKTOP-XXXXX:~# logout

I tried to reinstall:

PS C:\Windows\system32> # this is in powershell
PS C:\Windows\system32> cd C:\Users\user
PS C:\Users\user> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Ubuntu.appx -UseBasicParsing
PS C:\Users\user> Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage -PackagePath .\Ubuntu.appx -Online -SkipLicense

It appeared to install successfully, however I still had the same symptoms.

I tried reinstalling again, this time directly in my user account:

PS C:\Users\user> Get-AppxPackage -name CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu18.04onWindows | Remove-AppxPackage
PS C:\Users\user> Add-AddxPackage .\Ubuntu1804.appx

It didn't solve it, but instead of Ubuntu crashing immediately, it told me:

PS C:\Users\user> ubuntu1804.exe
Access is denied.

(which is what brought me to this thread)

but it still works as Administrator.

@jwsinner's fix in seems to have actually fixed it fully! And done it without having to garble my system permissions or anything:

In my Administrator shell:

PS C:\Windows\system32> wsl --list --verbose
* Ubuntu-18.04  Running     1
PS C:\Windows\system32> wsl --shutdown
PS C:\Windows\system32> wsl --unregister Ubuntu-18.04
PS C:\Windows\system32> 

Then, as my regular user, without reinstalling anything package:

PS C:\Users\user> ubuntu1804.exe
Installing, this may take a few minutes...
Please create a default UNIX user account. The username does not need to match your Windows username.
For more information visit:
Enter new UNIX username:

I'm -1 on KB4565503 being the problem. I don't have it installed:


I have Windows 10 Pro N-1909-18363.1440:


danon commented 3 years ago

In my case, windows permission mixed up with linux permissions, and disabled the x attribute on my folders, so I couldn't read them.

I had to do

chmod +x folder
cool-delete commented 3 years ago



Yes, after I restored the system, vhdx permissions were messed up. Adding my own account access can solve the problem

mooooonlight commented 3 years ago

After uninstalling KB4565503, updates automatically install it again. Is there a permanent fix for this issue?

Yes - grant your user account full control over the .vhdx file. See

Thanks! It worked!

Rohan-ult commented 3 years ago

I have also encountered the same problem . Any solution ?

mariaanko commented 3 years ago

I also have this issue...

frschwab commented 3 years ago

Same here, is there a possibility to see the error cause - where does wsl log more info?

mariaanko commented 3 years ago

actually I fixed this by running the powershell without the administrator access...only everything works fine :)

frschwab commented 3 years ago

I just fixed it. wsl --import Ub C:\Users\fs\wsl\Ub C:\Users\fs\backup\wsl\wsl.tar.gz --version 2 worked, whereas wsl --import Ub C:\Users\fs\wsl\Ub C:\Users\fs\backup\wsl\wsl.tar --version 2 failed. I don't know why I decided to unpack the gz file in the first attempt and tried to import from there.

JohnRDOrazio commented 3 years ago

I started recently getting File permission errors when trying to edit anything under \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04 from Windows Explorer, opening in VSCode. In the end I resorted to unregistering from Powershell (wsl --shutdown and wsl --unregister Ubuntu-20.04), and then re-installing (I just clicked on the Ubuntu icon which I had pinned in the taskbar, and it reinstalled). After reinstalling and creating the new user, now I can access and edit files using Windows Explorer and VSCode.

Unfortunately this has the downside of removing all data within the Ubuntu instance. It seems to me to be a pretty drastic approach. I had already checked permissions on the ext4.vhdx file (C:\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu20.04onWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\ext4.vhdx) and they were all correct as far as I could tell.

CreativeWarlock commented 2 years ago

After wondering about the extreme high amount of RAM consumption I've followed the advice from here by adding a .wslconfig file in my windows user home folder:

[wsl2] kernel=C:\temp\MyCustomLinuxKernel memory=2GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 processors=4 # Makes the WSL 2 VM use N virtual processors

(I also created the above temp folder and granted permission to access them for my user and administrator)

Then I've shut down wsl via wsl --shutdown as advised in the Microsoft documentation:

After a reboot I can no longer start wsl from the Powershell - neither with normal user nor administrator.

I then followed various suggestions like:

So all good and well, but STILL the PowerShell outputs "Access denied" when trying to execute "wsl"

Does anyone have any other ideas I could try out?

CreativeWarlock commented 2 years ago

Installing the Kernel Update (step 4) miraculously solved my issue.

zpyatt commented 2 years ago

For anyone else who runs into this, it might be your antivirus. I'm using Bitdefender, ran into this problem, had time to find this post and search a few other pages, then Bitdefender (finally, after ~ 5-10 min.) popped up a message about it. I excluded it (wsl.exe), and things went back to normal.

I had clicked on a .cpp file from a nautilus window (seeing if it would open gedit) and it crashed. After I excluded wsl.exe in BD, I was able to click on the .cpp, but it tried to use windows apps (i.e. no gedit). Anyway, maybe this will be useful to someone else. Good luck, WSL2 is awesome.

garyo commented 2 years ago

I'm still having this issue. Did everything in @CreativeWarlock 's post, but no joy. wsl.exe is owned by TrustedInstaller and can't be moved, deleted or anything (even when I uninstall wsl2). Just executing wsl.exe gives the "Access is denied" message. To be clear, wsl.exe does run -- you can see it in procmon. But then it prints that message and exits. Passing any args to it has no effect.

sahendrickson commented 2 years ago

This just happened to me when the following updates were installed (all available recently): KB5009566, KB5008880, KB5007292, KB5008215 I uninstalled each one individually and tried running wsl in a administrator cmd. Uninstalling them did not fix the issue. I think the damage was already done. Hopefully this helps.

tbennett6421 commented 2 years ago

Recently ran out of disk space and had the same thing occur. Unable to resolve

yszzu1 commented 2 years ago

I used wrong file path, wsl --import fedora C:\wsl C:\Users\aa\Documents\fedora-33.20211125-x86_64.tar should be wsl --import fedora C:\wsl C:\Users\aa\Documents\fedora-33.20211125-x86_64.tar\fedora-33.20211125-x86_64.tar

sahendrickson commented 2 years ago

This started working again after I did a full wipe and reinstall of the operating system. Disappointing to have to do that. But, I'm glad it's working again now.

gabrieu-amaral commented 2 years ago

I experienced this issue when Docker stopped unexpectedly.

PowerShell would either return that I didn't have permission (when run outside Administrator) or Access Denied (when run as Administrator. In a command prompt I was getting Access Denied when trying to run wsl, but was still able to run wsl --help.

If you are able to run wsl --help and get information back, you should be able to do the following:

  1. Run wsl --list --verbose to get a list of distros
  2. wsl --shutdown
  3. wsl --unregister [distro name listed from step 1]

Then I had located ext4.vhdx and deleted the folders in AppData that contained this file (Mine was Docker). If you can't delete it because it says it is open in System, restart and you should be able to delete it. After it's deleted, you should have access to wsl in PowerShell and cmd and be able to reinstall the distro you deleted.

for me, it's only thing worked. But in new register I get new error, its like 'no permission' (don't remember exactly). Search for new error, I found this :

So maybe that's possible be the cause of no permission

psztoch commented 1 year ago

If you have WSL "Access is denied" problem, at first check where have you your WSL installed. If you use WSL from Microsoft Store (it is good choice, because you have got fresh and current version) then WSL is installed in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\ folder. And this folder has very limited access. Local administrators can't access this folder. I took over ownership of files in this directory to LOCAL-DOMAIN\Administrators. Then it was possible to add Read/Execute rights to LOCAL-DOMAIN\Administrators. After it WSL start working via SSH or other remote access.

BibleChris commented 1 year ago

I get the same mistake after a while but not at the beginning. I think this must be a bug in the App Windows Store. After I repair it by using Windowstools it seems to be work. (Settings ->Apps -> Reset to default.) This bug has a long history but unfortunately without a solution until now.

andersonn-roberto commented 1 year ago

If anyone are facing this problem, check if you have an App called Windows Subsystem for Linux, if yes, uninstall it and you will get access to wsl2 again.

It was installed here after running wsl --update command.


flaxes commented 1 year ago

Had simillar problem. Running as administator won't help. (Access Denied) After some manipulations, I've decided to turn off Windows Update Blocker (wub)

Now, WSL works

FoliAGEQBS commented 1 year ago

Use the WSL -List command to check whether the old version is completely uninstalled

wicklander-bryant commented 1 year ago

I ended up facing a similar issue where all I got was access denied when attempting to install any distro EXCEPT the default Ubuntu distro that is installed by default when installing wsl from the CLI. I tried every proposed solution in this thread and many others with a similar access denied error, none of them ended up working. The solution that ended up working for me was to perform a full factory reset on my PC. Obviously not the best solution, but you can always back up your data and copy it back over to your fresh install. This was a last resort as I've been facing this issue for over 3 weeks now and needed to get things working again 🤷