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Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. #5231

Open ioweb-gr opened 4 years ago

ioweb-gr commented 4 years ago

Please fill out the below information:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.264]

Trying to execute kali linux in WSL2 results into an error

The error is Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. however the instance should run correctly. Rebooting solves the issue

Restarting the HV Host Service seems to work too.

rescenic commented 4 years ago

In explorer, type in address bar: \\wsl$ then enter. It will show linux path. Then you can click the linux symbol in navigation pane to list the linux path.

I am using Insider 19624.1000. In previous build, there isn't any error like that. But in the build I am using right now, it will show Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service when you click the linux symbol in navigation pane without accessing \\wsl$ first.

jozsefsallai commented 4 years ago

I can confirm this issue with Debian (I don't think it matters what flavor of Linux you have). Same version as the one described in the issue. The only difference is that the only way I can fix it is rebooting or logging out and then back in. Restarting the HV Host Service does not work for me.

Edit: logging out and back in doesn't always work either.

onomatopellan commented 4 years ago

What's your CPU and how much RAM do you have?

ioweb-gr commented 4 years ago

For me it was on Ryzen 1700x and 32Gb Ram

onomatopellan commented 4 years ago

Then 16 threads and 32Gb of RAM. This issue #5240 was very similar. Try creating a .wslconfig file and reduce the numbers of processors and RAM used for the WSL2 VM.

ioweb-gr commented 4 years ago

I guess the main difference is that for me everything works normally ok with the default settings. It was only a temporary issue which got fixed by restarting the service so I can live without cutting down the vm resources but I thought it would be important to report

jozsefsallai commented 4 years ago

What's your CPU and how much RAM do you have?

My specs aren't that great, but most of the time I have no issues with WSL2. Right now I booted into my computer and it didn't work. I logged out and then back in and everything worked fine.

And I agree with @ioweb-gr. It doesn't always happen. For me, most of the time it works fine. And like I said, for some reason, restarting the service doesn't work for me though, so what I usually do is start WSL2 as soon as I boot into my computer and if it doesn't work, just log in again or reboot until it works. Then I don't close it 😅

onomatopellan commented 4 years ago

How about the Virtual memory? Do you let Windows to manage the paging file size automatically?

jozsefsallai commented 4 years ago

Yeah, that option is enabled!

onomatopellan commented 4 years ago

I'm out of ideas. But it's curious that both CPUs are AMD.

gabriellovate commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem, using WLS 2 on a notebook with AMD processor.

jozsefsallai commented 4 years ago

I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I added \\wsl$\Debian to my Quick Access menu. When I open the File Explorer shortly after logging in, the Debian entry doesn't initially show up in the Quick Access menu (only after a while).

@rescenic mentioned that they can reproduce this issue when they try to access the VM's folder directly, without entering \\wsl$ first. Maybe this happens when the system tries to load the folder in the Quick Access menu too?

I've deleted the entry from the menu now and I'll let you know how it goes!

elbro commented 4 years ago

Same issue once a week or so, ryzen 7 2700x and 16gb RAM. Only way i've found to fix is a windows Restart

jozsefsallai commented 4 years ago

I haven't had this error since I removed the Quick Access entry (granted, it's only been 3 days), however, I did see a different error yesterday (which was also fixed by logging out and in): wsl It's weird that pretty much everyone who is facing this issue has a Ryzen CPU.

Edit: the original issue happened again.

GiorgioG commented 4 years ago

Same issue - 1950X Threadripper / 32gb of RAM.

mbledkowski commented 4 years ago

The same for me - Ryzen 5 mobile second gen / 8GB ram + virtual memory

dmayan-ss commented 4 years ago

Same issue on 2700x 16gB of RAM

onomatopellan commented 4 years ago

Do you all have Fast Startup enabled? Try turning it off, reboot Windows and see if the issue still happens.

icorbrey commented 4 years ago

Also have this issue, R5 1600 + 16GB RAM

NogrTL commented 4 years ago


Ryzen 1600+8GB RAM

inigoml commented 4 years ago

Same problem here. Ubuntu 20.04, upgraded from 18.04 wsl1 to wsl2. Worker for the first time.

inigoml commented 4 years ago

Do you all have Fast Startup enabled? Try turning it off, reboot Windows and see if the issue still happens.

Tested and worked again. Thank you!

iamnotagentleman commented 4 years ago

Same problem Ubuntu 20.04, switched wsl1 to wsl2 also I added the WSL shortcut to explorer quick access

mattrea commented 4 years ago

Same issue here started yesterday with WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04.

Update 2nd July:

"Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. [process exited with code 4294967295]"

Update July 4th: Add .wslconfig with memory attribute (set to ~1/3 system memory) as per below and this worked!

sonj2 commented 4 years ago

Same issue happened today for me with WSL 2. I got the error ever since roughly 80% of the RAM was being used. Lowering the RAM usage down to 40% by closing applications didn't fix the issue, nor did restarting HV Host Service. Restarting fixes the problem until it crops up again.

kiraleos commented 4 years ago

Same issue here, started happening yesterday, 21/07/2020. WSL 2 Ubuntu 20.04 It happens when I'm using more than 50% of my RAM or so (4GB). Closing down programs that use that RAM fixes the issue, even if I go up to 50% of my RAM again.

nicscharlau commented 4 years ago

Same issue.

Disabling fast startup doesn't fix the problem.

craysiii commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue as well, though I am on an Intel CPU.

I get this error when trying to use the Linux location that was added to explorer by the OS. If I manually type in \\wsl$ into explorer, I can then use the location in explorer without issues immediately.

xFrann commented 3 years ago

Same issue on ubuntu wsl2

b4ruch commented 3 years ago

same dang issue here:

Ryzen 4900HS 8 cores 16 threads Microsoft Windows 10 [Version 10.0.19041.329]] 16GB RAM WSL 2 Ubuntu 20.04

petrosvoivontas commented 3 years ago

Same issue here (although it seems to be resolved by just waiting a bit)

Ryzen 3700U Microsoft Windows 10 [Build 19041.329] 12GB RAM (2GB allocated to integrated graphics) WSL 2 Ubuntu 18.04

ghost commented 3 years ago

Had a similar error and also a Ryzen cpu!;) for me the following config worked: created a .wslconfig file in my home directory with the following:

memory=6GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 6 GB which in my case in one third of absolute max
swapFile=E:\\swl2-swap.vhdx # If not enough memory is available swap to an external disc

I think specifying the memory is sufficient. Hope this helps anybody.

srflp commented 3 years ago

Same on: Ryzen 5 3500U with Vega 8 Graphics 8GB RAM Microsoft Windows 10 [Build 19041.329]

Exit code: 4294967295 Trying to run WSL 2 Ubuntu from Microsoft Store. The above snippet does not change anything for me.

microhft commented 3 years ago

Same issue for me too, I started to have it suddenly on my new laptop after a month without any problems, I wonder if it's related to an update... A reboot seems to fix it!

Ryzen 5 3500U 8GB RAM Version: 10.0.19041.329 WSL2 Ubuntu

petrroll commented 3 years ago

Same issue:

image image image

petrroll commented 3 years ago

Relevant info:

petrroll commented 3 years ago

Happens regardless on invocation method wsl, <distro name>, from wt, vscode's terminal, ... (This shouldn't be surprising and is expected, but sometimes SW is weird).

Happy to provide any logs necessary :). Currently in a state in which it's happening.

benhillis commented 3 years ago

Could somebody please take a trace:

petrroll commented 3 years ago


Not sure I took them right, if not, happy to retake them :)

benhillis commented 3 years ago

@petrroll - thansk for the traces. Unfortunately not much to go on other than trying to create the VM fails with the above error code. Are there any errors in any of the Hyper-V event logs that might have more info?

If not, I belive when you collect a trace via feedback hub that will include the hyper-v events as well.

petrroll commented 3 years ago

@benhillis What logs should I look for specifically?

App/Msft/Windows/Hyper-V-Worker : error : 'Virtual Machine' could not initialize. (Virtual machine ID 481F780A-66C1-48D0-84D4-802C2F99D599)

Other than that, didn't find anything super-relevant but maybe I didn't look at the right places.

petrroll commented 3 years ago

As for the feedback hub, the weirdest thing happened while collecting the traces. WSL invocation failed the first time (as expected as it has been for the past few hours) but the second try it by some miracle worked. The traces should contain both.

Didn't do anything that'd explain it suddenly working. An intensive CPU process might've ended but even RAM usage is approx the same.

petrroll commented 3 years ago

Aaaand it doesn't work again. Submitted another FH set of logs while trying it 6 times in a row when it doesn't work again.

No restart, not notable processes started. No notable processed ended (at least between it working out of sudden and not working again).

canove commented 3 years ago

Same issue here:

Ryzen 5 3400G 16GB RAM

Creating the configuration file just resolved without reboot:


memory=4GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 4 GB
processors=2 # Makes the WSL 2 VM use two virtual processors
petrroll commented 3 years ago


Adding a config helped me too. Seems to be processors related issue.

1) Limiting just memory -> error.

memory=4GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 4 GB

2) Limiting just CPU -> works consistently.

petrroll commented 3 years ago

Seems to be load independent, 14 CPUs works even under full load.


nicscharlau commented 3 years ago

@petrroll At first limiting the CPU cores seemed to has fixed the issue, but since today the problem has reappeared, unfortunately. It occured two times. The third time I wanted to create the log files but then it suddenly worked again. I really don't understand what's going on there anymore...

AfonsoFGarcia commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue here. Both with Ubuntu 20.04 and with the WSL2 Docker images.

Ryzen 7 4800HS + 16GB RAM

I can't pinpoint a reason for it but about a month ago (before I went on holidays) it was working without any issues.

punmechanic commented 3 years ago

Same issue here using Debian and a Ryzen 1800X with 16GB of RAM. This only happens intermittently and has only happened since I installed WSL2.

EDIT I solved this by installing 64GB of RAM. X)

ggogel commented 3 years ago

Windows 10 2004 Ryzen 2600, 16GB RAM

The issue seems to occur when less than 50% of the RAM is available.