microsoft / WebRTC-universal-samples

WebRTC samples for the Universal Windows Platform.
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new RTCPeerConnection() hangs #44

Open ispysoftware opened 6 years ago

ispysoftware commented 6 years ago

Every time i try to instantiate RTCPeerConnection my application hangs indefinitely

var config = new RTCConfiguration
                             BundlePolicy = RTCBundlePolicy.Balanced,
                             IceTransportPolicy = RTCIceTransportPolicy.All,
                             IceServers = _iceServers

_peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(config);

The tasks list shows it's running a task that never completes

162 Active Agent_Universal.WebRTC.WebRtcManaged.InitializePeerConnection Task: <ProcessOffer>b__0

compiling under x86 with latest stable version 6.1.9 and

ispysoftware commented 6 years ago

It seems that if you don't call WebRTC.RequestAccessForMediaCapture then nothing works - which is annoying as our use case doesn't need media capture (media is being generated by the application). Is there a chance this bug could be resolved?

jamescadd commented 6 years ago

Hello, yes that's currently a limitation of Google stack (capture devices must always be present) but the restriction will be lifted in M71. I would be interested to hear more about your scenario, do you generate (or want to) audio too? My email is jcadd at the usual domain if you can share more.

ispysoftware commented 6 years ago

hello yes we're writing a video surveillance platform - so we take any video/ audio source from ip cameras/ desktop recording/ local devices etc and pipe it via webrtc to browser clients. We have it working (with audio) via a custom c++ wrapper already but would like to move onto uwp compatible code if possible.

What we'd really like is the ability to setup custom audio and video streams that just take byte pointers and array lengths, which is what we've done with our wrapper.