microsoft / WebRTC-universal-samples

WebRTC samples for the Universal Windows Platform.
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Performance really bad on HoloLens #46

Open happyao opened 5 years ago

happyao commented 5 years ago

Hi, I try the WebRtcUnityXaml.sln and I can get the video connection between PC and HoloLens. However, the performance is really bad. The video stream from holoLens got delay on PC (only 1-4 fps ). I test on PC to PC but seldom delay happens. Could anyone tell me why? and how to improve the performance.


jamescadd commented 5 years ago

Quick note: the XAML solution will be deprecated on the next Unity release due to a change in IL2CPP. We would like to bring it back but the path is currently unclear.

Regarding performance are you running a release build? Debug can slow things down significantly.