microsoft / WinAppDriver

Windows Application Driver
MIT License
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Hitting the performance of the solution . #1968

Open ritusenleo opened 4 months ago

ritusenleo commented 4 months ago

At the moment my solution have 9 scenarios. Each scenario have approx <=40 test cases. BDD framework is used .

To find an element by it's "Id" or "Name", it initially takes 4 sec and the problem gets worse when WinAppDriver runs continuously for more than 30 minutes or 1 hour.

While continuously running and clicking the button for every ~4 secs, the time taken to detect the button gets increased. After around 1 hour, to find the same button, it takes 20 secs and the time taken keeps increasing linearly with running time of WinAppDriver.

Even after continuous execution it is unable to get the element .

I want to get rid of this . Please help. Its urgent at the moment.

anunay1 commented 4 months ago

Starting and stopping winappdriver server after every test case should help if you are not doing it already.

ritusenleo commented 4 months ago

Actually before starting of one scenario, application and winappdriver is open [Before Feature file] then the tests under the scenario gets executed. After completion of all the test application and driver is disposed [After feature]..

Could you please share any sample code.

ritusenleo commented 3 months ago

@anunay1 help on this please...

anunay1 commented 3 months ago

Can you check #1472