microsoft / WinAppDriver

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How to access popup window outside of WinAppDriver Appium WinForm in C#? #1984

Open jainchengithub opened 2 months ago

jainchengithub commented 2 months ago


My win app is "Gyro Multi Vendor SPEAR - Version 6.20.14". normal WinAppDriverUIRecorder XML Nodes has my win app included, so I can access.**

<UiTask task="Inspect" x="154" y="619">

<Pane LocalizedControlType="pane" ClassName="#32769" Name="Desktop 1" AutomationId="" x="0" y="0" width="3840" height="2160" Pos=""/>

<Window LocalizedControlType="window" ClassName="" Name="Gyro Multi Vendor SPEAR - Version 6.20.14  -Development Version" AutomationId="MainControl" x="1155" y="495" width="1530" height="1110" Pos="4"/>

<Window LocalizedControlType="window" ClassName="" Name="Default Tool Parameters" AutomationId="ParametersDefaultsForm2" x="1304" y="650" width="1233" height="800" Pos=""/>


But I have a pop up window which does not include my win app name, how to use FindElementByAccessibilityId or FindElementByName etc. to access?

<UiTask task="Inspect" x="374" y="847">

<Pane LocalizedControlType="pane" ClassName="#32769" Name="Desktop 1" AutomationId="" x="0" y="0" width="3840" height="2160" Pos=""/>

<Window LocalizedControlType="dialog" ClassName="#32770" Name="Browse For Folder" AutomationId="" x="1670" y="804" width="978" height="888" Pos="4"/>


my C# code to declare sessionWinForm:

public class SPEAR_MVTest
    static WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> sessionWinForm;
    static private int client_type = 0;

    public static void Init(TestContext testContext)
        AppiumOptions dcWinForms = new AppiumOptions();
        "@C:\Program Files\Gyrodata\Gyro MV SPEAR Dev\Gyro MV Spear.exe");  
        sessionWinForm = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(""), dcWinForms);


I use "var folder_win = sessionWinForm.FindElementByName("Browse For Folder");" error: OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.

anunay1 commented 2 months ago

You need to create a root session and then switch to the pop up window.

jainchengithub commented 2 months ago

How to create a root session? Do you have the code to do it?


anunay1 commented 2 months ago

jainchengithub commented 2 months ago

Hi, if I want to open a excel file and save the test result (pass/fail) to related cell value, where can I find the sample code?

Shakevg commented 2 months ago

Hi, if I want to open a excel file and save the test result (pass/fail) to related cell value, where can I find the sample code?

Get test result value for mstest (something the same you can find for other runners): Working with Excel